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To the Admiral Aiken

Current Mood: Mellow
Harkan (Harkan, *)
Male - 45 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single, and looking

Posted: 2017-03-28 8:52:55 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 320 times Likes 2

Your slave, alia, is chained within the confines of the KRB Tavern, and will remain there and as such until such time you come to my tavern, located in the heart of Ko-Ro-Ba. It is on Market Street, tucked in a nook. It can't be missed. When such time occurs that you arrive to speak with me, we can then negotiate her release. 

I am Harkan. Proprietor of KRB Tavern

2017-03-30 5:54:57 pm
Tal Harkan, May I inquire what she did to get herself chained up, I may need to discipline her, I called into the tavern on Thursday, but You were not around, I will be unavailable till Sunday. I hope to see You then, Aiken, Admiral of the Helisto fleet.