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Harkan's Profile

Current Mood: Mellow
Harkan (Harkan, *)
Male - 45 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single, and looking

Updated: 2017-04-19 11:10:58 pm Viewed 278 times Likes 4

I am Harkan, a simple Gorean, and owner of KRB Tavern

I own the girl olesya, she is not for sale. She is not for trade. She is mine, and will be mine until my death and beyond. 

Standing at 6' 3", 285

Right handed. 

7" hunting knife on the inside of my right boot. 

A pack that carries bidning fiber of various lengths, healing salve, steel collars, various reading material, and other items, dictated on my current location or "mission". 

I am simple, respectful and tolerant, but don't take that as being a soft target. 

Travelling, may take residence, may not. 

"Welcome to the planet, motherfucker"