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February Gorean Reunion?

Current Mood: Balanced
Iskander (Iskander, *)
Male - 42 years old, cloquet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-02-13 9:57:56 pm Category General Viewed 121 times Likes 0

just curious, if anyone is going to post for a date on having one if not, I will throw my name into the pot for next sunday (2/21)

2016-02-21 12:33:26 am
**writes it all down and then heads back off to my cottage**
2016-02-21 12:09:48 pm
*tries to work out the time zones and just gives the fluffin eck up and makes note to turn up when I get outta the branches*
2016-02-21 6:01:15 pm
should be open from 9 am CST (3PMgmt?) TO 12 am (7am GMT?) sorry if my timing is off lol its 5 PM in CST if that helps