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April plans for gorean get together?

Current Mood: Balanced
Iskander (Iskander, *)
Male - 42 years old, cloquet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-04-12 8:41:08 pm Category General Viewed 87 times Likes 0

anyone decide any anything for this month yet? If not I'm interested in hosting it on 4/23. Let me know what's up

2016-04-13 1:13:06 pm
host it Iska ill be there
2016-04-14 12:16:48 am
I'd love to come - missed the last one - thanks Iskander!
2016-04-14 4:33:30 pm
**Pounces on Ole!** Stay Put for a sec, ya slippery Woman! Message Me!