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in case anyone is wondering

Current Mood: Balanced
Iskander (Iskander, *)
Male - 42 years old, cloquet, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2017-10-22 2:18:53 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 279 times Likes 1

the character Iskander is still alive and well, still hiding from r/p for now kinda, if  you want to get a hold of me you know where I am, and what is going on

2017-10-22 6:18:38 am
The fans are still camped outside the door, Tuchuk! You may have to exit out the window! LOL Just kidding :P Come back when Yer ready, m'kay?
2017-10-22 11:23:55 am
might need to hood myself so they dont take pictures and "Princess Diana" me