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ǻuśħmi H's Blog

2018-08-14 12:21:07 am by ǻuśħmi H in category General
 April 10, 2018 i had just come online to just again see what was out there, i went into the first room and ended up being the last room as i was captured.  The Master Haigan there He was very Scary, i do believe His slaves just wished me gone, i almost ran wondering if i would ever ever be part of the home.  May 29th yes i made it that long cause i was watching learning the...
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  • amari☰H☰fg: Our ashes, Master is right when He says you bring joy to Our home. you are a breath of fresh air...
  • ~Alina~: little flame, you are well loved (F)
  • Emerson: Sounds like you found your spot in this vast place may happiness continue your way
  • banaThiery: Wishing you all continued happiness. Thank you ashes for sharing a glimpse into your journey.
  • HaiganX: I should have named you starlight, that's how beautiful and important you are to Me ashes. A vast...