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Kiaa~FC~Tagas's Profile

Current Mood: Rejuvenated
Kiaa~FC~Tagas (Kiaa, Jeweller)
Female - 54 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2020-04-29 3:39:04 pm Viewed 1,629 times Likes 3

I am KIAA ......FW ...simple enough.

Free Companioned to Tagas~W - 12/13/15 (uh yep, we are still together)

(Yep still together.  In fact  we will celbrate 10 years as of 03/13/21)

While I am a Free Woman still I am a reflection of my Free Companion.  Though I have a mind of my own (a witty one at that) still may all I speak, write, post and action be a reflection of the high integrity of his honorable Character. Yes....I am the thorn in his flesh, but he is the thorn trimmer, prunning that which will grow to reveal its true beauty.

THE PROPOSALTagas~W~LYD~ : so Kiaa do you want to be My thorn?.....

THE CEREMONY: After much debate and discussion I became the Free Companion of the Warrior Tagas.  A simple exchange of gifts and vows and sharing of wine as witnessed by my guard Maldoon. His promise to protect me as his FC and my promise to respect his word as final in all things and bring honor to his name at all times.

Trade: Jeweller    Caste: Artesians

Personal Guard:  : Maldoon (half Torvie, 7'1", 305lbs) he carries two long swords made of blue steel with golden pommels and double guards.

Weapon: 4"  double sided dagger with a pearl handle sheathed in my right boot. I stand almost 5' tall. Gifted a golden hair pin with a jade tip which belonged to the mother of my FC. (it is very sharp and well crafted) Thank you Tagas it is a gift I will treasure always.


You will most likely find me visiting various cities, conversing with the Free and enjoying the company of Tagas  (smirks a bit), the bantering will still continue that will not change. Fear not,  I shall forever more remain your thorn.


Became blood sister to:

Dyani of Helisto on 6-18-2015 "me before you, always" (well but for on 12/13/15 lol)

Aneesha of Helisto on 3-30-2014 "friendship that reaches past the far corners of Gor"


 (My personal life is my own but should you want to know, just ask.  I am much offline as I am online and so is my life.  Men are Men and Women well, we have our place)