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The Warrior Within

Current Mood: Blank
Kyri~Kassau~ (Kyri, Tyr)
Female - 44 years old, Torvaldsland by Birth, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-05-03 10:36:25 pm Category General Viewed 80 times Likes 0

"Within each of us is a warrior spirit,

know that you are strong, courageous, and wise."

- Jasmeine Moonsong

I am Kyri, Woman of Torvaldsland, and I live.

2016-05-04 12:11:27 pm
Let the Great Horn sound the Hunt and welcome the Longships back to Harbor. Farvel
2016-05-05 6:59:33 pm
**smiles at Robert, Who sings the sea chanties. and I 'was' a "skald' comparable to Caste of Entertainers, Tale Tellers. Wut FUN! I still has meh serpent ship 'OMEN' been with Me a long while. mmm Kyri, next time I host a Ladies night on Picaroon, Please be most welcommed!**
2016-05-05 9:10:04 pm
I am honored to meet a Skald of my homeland. Please be welcome in tyrfist holding. Also please be welcome Robert.