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Kyri~Kassau~ (Kyri, Tyr)
Female - 44 years old, Torvaldsland by Birth, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-05-16 11:23:30 am Category General Viewed 48 times Likes 0

Kassau is looking for players, new or old but who can fit the criteria below:

Free Men who are strong and uncompromising, but not cruel for cruel's sake and collar happy.

Free Women who can, and will, speak their mind and give their opinion, comfortable in the knowledge their freedom is assured as long as respect is maintained.

Bondmaids who had that cockyness, who knew what it was to be proud to serve; not cartoon caricatures who are disrespectful and disobedient.  Know your life is in the balance everyday!

If you are tired of the cliques, the power hoarders, and OOC BS, the softer side of Gor, then what do you have to lose? 

Come, visit and RP.  Let our actions speak louder than these words!

I am Kyri

Woman of Kassau, Torvaldsland

...and I live!