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Traveling. Gorean style . Safe zoned for the duration.

Current Mood: Content
Kyrielle (Kyrielle, Lady Kyrielle)
Female - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2024-10-02 10:38:51 am Category General Viewed 188 times Likes 1

                                                       Mission accomplished. Home for the winter. Yay !

                                                                      Thank you,

                                                                                      Lady Kyrielle, Scribe


Gor is a land filled with contradictions. John Norman, author of the gorean series of books, contradicted himself and his characters  with great regularity. Who are we to do less

One does not have to be "  gorean" , of which there is no such thing, to role play here. Futhermore,  if you are savvy enough to play multiple gorean characters,  kudo's to you and God speed. I have enough difficulty playing just one.


                               Currently on a journey to the sea to gather byssus before winter sets in.

          We travel by tarn. 

It'll be fun.





Thank you,  

Lady Kyrielle, Scribe






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