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Kyrielle's Profile

Current Mood: Content
Kyrielle (Kyrielle, Lady Kyrielle)
Female - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: Today 10:12:11 am Viewed 12,027 times Likes 60


This profile is fiction, composed for the purpose of gorean role play. 


I am a woman. A  free woman. 

My name is Kyrielle, Lady Kyrielle to be precise.

My caste is Scribe.

I balance my time, as needs be, between the Voltai's and Ven'dara.

My HomeStone is Ven'dara.


East of the Thassa, west of the winds .... there, at the headwaters of the Upper Fayeen river, are my lands, my home where I was born. My property an exact 100 pasang square, extends well past the foothills to the Voltai mountain peaks. 

My property is a working farm in progress, dependent on seasons and weather. For such an arid land, I am fortunate enough to have a consistent water source and good soil. I grow everything from fruits and vegetables to wine and eating grapes. When not tending seasonal matters and my duties as Scribe, I enjoy the peaceful pastime of weaving, byssus specifically.  I gather it every two years from the mighty Thassa, wash spin and weave it into cloth on a full size loom I'd purchased from Perrin , Chieftan of the Alars. By that time, they had left the plains behind and moved to northern waters,  establishing a very successful fishing and crafts village. 


I am  the founding member of " The Sisters of Benevolent Mayhem". And we danced.


It is said the quill is mightier than the sword. I have both.


My quills happily reside in my hair I remove one at a ttime when duty calls.

A silver Koftgari hilted bidi sword, 32 inches in total, the blade length 26 inches, was crafted for me a long time ago..  The only difference between my sword and those who wield those of various kinds and designs is that mine is very feminine. I am a woman after all and I love pretty things. 

Cartouches are etched on both sides of the blade.A silver scabbard envelopes the blade, and there it rests, nesting snuggly down the center of my back.


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