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Opening Soon!

Current Mood: Cheerful
Wren_FW (Wren, Themis)
Female - 34 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-11-26 8:55:03 am Category General Viewed 38 times Likes 0
Wren's Bakery is opening soon. Proprietess is the Lady Wren. Location is soon to be determined. Please stop by for good conversation and tastey baked goods of all kinds.

2015-11-27 9:55:17 pm
Mmmm...cheesy sa-tarna breads and juice! Looking forward to the Grand opening, Lady Wren.
2015-11-29 10:49:11 pm
I do hope you have chocolate chip cookies - I've been craving them since the old bakery packed up and left!