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Something Positive About Gor

Current Mood: Cheerful
Wren_FW (Wren, Themis)
Female - 34 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-11-30 9:43:08 am Category General Viewed 153 times Likes 1
There has been so much trash talking about Gor. I thought I would challenge all Goreans to name something positive about Gorean Role play. I will go first. I think there are some amazingly creative people in Gor. This is your fantasy. Remember you are the Captain of your destiny here.

2015-11-30 10:01:43 am
When people get into the role with all they are, and you can TELL they are enjoying the role play!! That in itself causes everyone in the room to get better. I think when we feed off what is going on, it increases the value and quality!
2015-11-30 1:04:59 pm
Gor to me is... fun, fear, adventure, intrigue, possible forever friendships and escape all rolled into one fanfreakingtasic experience over all when the many years around Gorean roleplay are looked back upon.
2015-11-30 3:03:25 pm
You will not meet a more passionate group of people unless you go to South Carolina, and find a place called Parris Island. Not only on the surface, but deep down, nearly everyone here is good. We have a lot of good in us, actually. Talent, imagination, intrigue and down right decent morals. And it has not happened in a while, thank goodness, but when shit gets real for someone, we sure do band together as a family for that person.
2015-11-30 3:53:09 pm
The slaves that serve and dance are beautiful.
2015-11-30 8:22:36 pm
The stories we write together are amazing!
2015-11-30 10:28:44 pm
the support with what is going on in my real life has been great, those that know what is really going on, ready to come to my aide anytime..i have Friends real Friends...right here in this Gor. Mistress Rya thank You for letting me cry today..i needed it..Mistress Denae and Mistress Dyani....thanks so much for offering help to this one.. Mistress Chaldea i will be on phone to let You know when i arrive safely...Love all of You... I love the role play...with everybody in the room involved.
2015-11-30 11:16:30 pm
awwe~eh'?! (that is supposed to show sound of inflection in voice, rise and fall of pitch. heh cuz yer post is so special, I get 'verklempt')..... oh, I like My Gor mostly outside seeing the big picture! from an island, beach surf, by ship or Tarn. Forest too, and 'some' jungle' places and even on the ice block~Hunjer!...yeah Grym We Northerners are TUFF. Fistocuffs? winks.
2015-12-01 12:15:55 am
and, 'snapper', call ME anytime! don't have to wait til u arrive at destination. I KNOW stuff is in a 'delicate situation, so....I might not pick up, if resting but DO leave message, I'll get right back to you, puppet.
2015-12-01 5:10:28 pm
There is some wheat amongst the chaff.
2015-12-01 5:13:55 pm
I will look forward lexii girl to hear from you, that all is good, and you are doing well. thoughts continue to be with you.
2018-10-11 9:41:08 pm
Hopefully bumps this blog...
2018-10-12 1:26:08 pm
I find it wonderful I can come online to the world of Gor and escape real life and create incredible story lines.
2018-10-12 1:31:28 pm
Who was “Account Deleted”?
2018-10-12 11:47:17 pm
I’m guessing one of them was Pamela Wilson aka lexii Robaks girl