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Current Mood: Cheerful
Wren_FW (Wren, Themis)
Female - 34 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-12-02 10:02:37 am Category General Viewed 355 times Likes 0

After much thought I begin to write. My first instinct would be to say that I do not want my name drawn into the gorean mud by some people who are nothing but armchair quarterbacks sitting back slinging ridiculous accusations while they do nothing to help the world of gorean role play flourish except to stir the drama pot. I will not express anger or lash out or throw a temper tantrum. I am Wren, a baker from the Village of Minus. Not some diabolical dualler out to destroy online Gor. That is just not true. I believe in the principles of honor and integrity both online and in my real life. I will not be bullied or intimidated by an armchair quarterback who cannot get out of their recliner to actually role play and help online be an enjoyable place for all to explore their creativity and experience exciting adventures in the world of Gor.

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2015-12-03 8:01:52 pm
Since when are Duallies a bad thing ? I LOVE My 1992 Chevy Silverado 3500 4x4 !! I can pull a semi out of a ditch with it, try THAT with a Prius !! Gas mileage My hairy white butt...LOW END TORQUE BABY !!
2015-12-03 9:26:40 pm
Yes Warren, I 'think' most understand that point. Yes, I'm alluding to lack of truth in substance along with so much repetition that it becomes a headache, therefore, skipped over and not read. Along with that, My point is, the same person giving us Moral Cyber Rules, ALSO is guilty of naming names, outright calling them 'duellers', awfully hypocritical, I'd say.
2015-12-03 9:32:50 pm
Exxuse Me, I have to brain wash Me head to get a 'hairy' image out of there.....