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Current Mood: Cheerful
Wren_FW (Wren, Themis)
Female - 34 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-12-02 10:02:37 am Category General Viewed 355 times Likes 0

After much thought I begin to write. My first instinct would be to say that I do not want my name drawn into the gorean mud by some people who are nothing but armchair quarterbacks sitting back slinging ridiculous accusations while they do nothing to help the world of gorean role play flourish except to stir the drama pot. I will not express anger or lash out or throw a temper tantrum. I am Wren, a baker from the Village of Minus. Not some diabolical dualler out to destroy online Gor. That is just not true. I believe in the principles of honor and integrity both online and in my real life. I will not be bullied or intimidated by an armchair quarterback who cannot get out of their recliner to actually role play and help online be an enjoyable place for all to explore their creativity and experience exciting adventures in the world of Gor.

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2015-12-02 10:24:34 am
Well said but, sad anyone feels it 'has' to be said. I believe the many of US know who are and who are not to be trusted. Just don't play them them. On ignore seems to work best.
2015-12-02 10:40:21 am
Well said, Wren! Play on!
2015-12-02 10:55:10 am
has to add, my advice includes blogging. Less is More.
2015-12-02 11:28:16 am
Baseless accusations are a staple here, and in online Gor in general from my experience. As they aren't likely to go away it would probably be best to adopt a thick skin against them.
2015-12-02 2:00:10 pm
Wren I have posted a few blogs on bullying one of which has a number You can call to report anonymously online bullying.If people are doing such yes it helps to grow a thick skin but please please please speak up and speak out for those who are also having a hard time.Online should be enjoyable and when people attack others it's exactly the opposite.
2015-12-02 2:16:11 pm
How, exactly, does online bullying apply to a group of consenting adults on a free chat site where they roleplay adult themed concepts? Grow up.
2015-12-02 2:18:32 pm
All I know is the rotten bastard who invented bras had never seen a woman with ample assets ride a horse, otherwise he'd have not wasted his time and made for himself enemies of most of the rest of us who have !!
2015-12-02 2:39:54 pm
Bullying will be theown up here when someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't be doing or to get out of a situation they have gotten themselves in. It's to bad that here, in an adult chat forum where someone has to comport themselves in a certain fashion. If it's to hard to be a decent person here and if calling foul ever time harsh language is used here. A person has no business being here. It's not that hard to figure out.
2015-12-02 2:41:57 pm
that's DEEP buddy
2015-12-02 2:43:39 pm
Thierry, you owe me $.59 for a new spellcheck.
2015-12-02 2:44:21 pm
Lol. Okay.
2015-12-02 2:55:08 pm
Thanks so much Andrasteia. I thought this stuff only happened in middle school. I guess some adults here haven't grown up yet. Slander and false accusations are very serious. They really must lead sad unfulfilled lives in mommy's basement. Time to grow up.
2015-12-02 2:58:30 pm
Basement? Oh You wacky Northern folk, You do everything bassackwards....Everyone here in the South knows You keep the family idiots locked in the attic !! Personally I like the view from here !!
2015-12-02 3:02:11 pm
Who talks about slander and false accusations in one sentence, and immediately follows it up by "they must be sad little people living in their mother's basement"? Whether you're from the north or south they call that "hypocritical".
2015-12-02 3:17:17 pm
**nodding at Ludo Cain's comment** and the 'thats Deep' was for Grym's 'bras' thinking. **waves to Him way up in the attic**
2015-12-02 3:17:59 pm
Now Grym I live south of the Mason Dixon line. I suppose that can be construed as hypocritical but so was the comment about me being a dualler, LudoCain.
2015-12-02 3:18:13 pm
Be cause in the south not many have basements, just sayin Master. i have heard stories from people that say they left because of online bullying, even offered help. To me if your not willing to let somebody help you and continue to slander folks then it's on personally if i was in the right and was being picked on i would get help to fix it whether it is fixing me or fixing the situation.
2015-12-02 3:19:05 pm
Online bullying applies whereever there is online bullying. That someone has reached the age of adulthood by no means ensures that person has also developed the maturity of an adult. Online Gor exemplifies this quite well, which is why it applies here. Still, suggesting that those you are displeased with must lead sad, unfullfilled lives in mommy's basement isn't much different. If you don't like the mud why choose to also wallow in it yourself.
2015-12-02 3:23:15 pm
That is true Warren and I do apologize for saying that. I will not wallow in the mud of my self pity. I am deleting the comments on this thread.
2015-12-02 3:26:02 pm
Bullying doesn't matter as long as the one complaining about being bullied is the one "bullying" others.
2015-12-02 3:26:02 pm
So, Wren, you decided to fight fire with fire and hypocrite your way through hypocrisy? If the answer is yes, let me propose a follow up question: how long did you actually think about such a plan? If the answer is no, then I don't see how being a hypocrite is even useful to the point you're trying to make.
2015-12-02 3:30:54 pm
the real bullying blogs began as several Goreans called out one gorean for being obviously unethical, she fooked up! All this current crap is OVER DONE, Same damn thing every new post. The only bullying going on now is really not bullying. Since when do Goreans need pages and pages of copy pasted stats on cyber bullying! We dont. I recommend a change of subject.
2015-12-02 3:31:43 pm
* waves to Chal from the attic *
2015-12-02 3:33:04 pm
Working in line with Chaldea's suggestion, I propose a new topic of discussion: Subdural hematoma. To bleed, or not to bleed, that is the question. Discuss.
2015-12-02 3:34:51 pm
**chuckles** Good One!
2015-12-02 3:37:09 pm
Bullying matters as much as the target allows it to matter. Once the target understands that bullies, especially of the online type, no longer have any power or affect on that person. It comes down to how much power you are willing to give others to affect you.
2015-12-02 3:38:15 pm
Warren, we're talking about subdural hematoma now. Get with it, man,
2015-12-02 3:43:28 pm
You are so long as Wren indulges, Ludo. She may decide to clean out the dross.
2015-12-02 3:44:32 pm
I prefer not to bleed out, blood is Life. Unless I have become a vegatable, in which case I ask to be. euthanized
2015-12-02 3:45:43 pm
The door switch turns off the ice and water dispenser when the refrigerator door is open. If the door switch fails, the dispenser will not turn on. To determine if the door switch is defective, use a multimeter to test it for continuity. If the door switch does not have continuity when activated, replace it............oh wait, damnit this is the subdural hematoma blog......Sorry, My bad.....
2015-12-02 3:47:15 pm
If she wishes to save face by making it go away and pretending it didn't happen, then, by all means, delete the comments. But if she is as honorable as she would claim to be, she'll just leave it as is with both the misstep, and it's acknowledgement. It's the adult thing to do.
2015-12-02 5:51:49 pm
The password is....bullying....
2015-12-02 6:35:18 pm
LOL Thiery...em um.. starts us off with the only 1 word clues, "Pit? _________
2015-12-02 7:33:23 pm
Wouldn't online bullying be directed to a real person that isn't a r/p character? A Role Play character isn't real. The person choses to come online and do a role of a non fictional character which then is like writing a story or book. Therefore it wouldn't technically be called bullying, because it's not directed at the actual person but the character they are. IF it starts to become a personal attack on the real person or using the persons real name etc, that would be bullying.
2015-12-02 7:46:40 pm
That will mean nothing to the people here for the most part. Some of them have latched onto "bullying" and they will ride until it's been cheapened eve further.
2015-12-03 11:05:31 am
Putting up with off topic rubbish is in no way honourable. Indulging that kind of behaviour is in no way an adult thing to do. Leaving up on topic posts presented civilly that were not in agreement with her own would be aptly described as honourable and mature. Quite plainly, there is no reason she has to put up with whatever crap people feel like dishing out, especially in an environment she controls.
2015-12-03 11:19:54 am
Shainaa, you would be correct if everyone here simply viewed their characters as role-play only, simply game pieces in which to play the online game of Gor, and attacks going beyond that of character never, ever occured. Neither of those things is true. That doesn't mean anything should be done about it in general, as nothing can be. Anyone coming into online Gor should be aware about it, though, so they can thicken their skin appropriately.
2015-12-03 12:25:24 pm
Actually my real persona was being attacked saying that I am dualling. I am done with the accusations and am moving forward. Simply put if you do not wish to interact with me or my character fine and dandy that is your perogative. I will not run and cry and hide in the corner playing the meek little victim to vicious lies.
2015-12-03 3:02:09 pm
That is the wise move, Wren. and, blogging less IS really blogging more, less is more. Sincerely step Over the mud, and continue on in RP. I havn't met You yet there! That is where we need to be. And, of course be careful who You trust. Some days back, the cauldran person blogged, outing about 4 names, some friends of mine. Claiming they were duellers with no proof of course. The blog was taken down soon after I saw it. It was disgusting! Just sayin, careful who You trust, find fun in RP.
2015-12-03 6:03:27 pm
Blogging less may be more if your blogs lack substance. Anyway, is there any system in place that provides proof for dualing accusations? There isn't that I know of, so such accusations tend to be based on belief rather than fact. Belief may be sufficient for a mob lynching but seems a bit lacking otherwise. And yes, be careful who you trust, ideally no one to begin with.
2015-12-03 7:38:18 pm
Isn't it dualling if a person is killed and comes back before 14 days? Or is that just Buzzen Gor?
2015-12-03 7:44:00 pm
Depends on where the person is, where they in roleplay or on a message board....blogs aren't usually considered part of For...otherwise people would just blog others to death and not rp it.
2015-12-03 7:52:59 pm
It was in a room. I figured Buzzen was mostly a blog community now anyway.
2015-12-03 8:01:52 pm
Since when are Duallies a bad thing ? I LOVE My 1992 Chevy Silverado 3500 4x4 !! I can pull a semi out of a ditch with it, try THAT with a Prius !! Gas mileage My hairy white butt...LOW END TORQUE BABY !!
2015-12-03 9:26:40 pm
Yes Warren, I 'think' most understand that point. Yes, I'm alluding to lack of truth in substance along with so much repetition that it becomes a headache, therefore, skipped over and not read. Along with that, My point is, the same person giving us Moral Cyber Rules, ALSO is guilty of naming names, outright calling them 'duellers', awfully hypocritical, I'd say.
2015-12-03 9:32:50 pm
Exxuse Me, I have to brain wash Me head to get a 'hairy' image out of there.....