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Trophy__Husband's Profile

Current Mood: Accomplished
Male - Leavenworth, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Updated: 2024-07-18 7:05:22 pm Viewed 222 times Likes 0

Father, Husband, Retired Army Officer, Food Caterer, Writer, Professional Gambler.

I enjoy landscaping because it is good for the soul and will have a bountiful harvest from my small urban garden.  This is a sample of my landscaping in the picture!

I like to work with people with PTSD to help them heal.  

I have written a cookbook.  I don't make a penny because I donated it to Victory For Veterans to help raise funds for the charitable organization.  Google Victory For Veterans.  Scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the link for the Store.  Then click on the link.  


Green looked at me and saw the leash and wagged his tail.  He enjoys our walks together.  It was 100 degrees outside, thus we walked under the canopy of trees for the shade to protect us from the searing sun and protect his paws.  This was a task that had to be done.  Our final walk together.  I watched him intently as if I was an imperfect video camera trying to record Green’s every movement. 

I remember the moment Green was born.  He looked like a white wet rat.  In a week he was howling on our wood floor like a true husky.  I would build a pen outside in front of my house to coral him and his brothers during the winter when they needed to go out.  Huskies are world class athletes.  In a few weeks they would jump over the little fence with precision. 

Last night I spent quality time with him.  It was just me and him.  The other 4 huskies were sent outside.  I mused.  Through the random chance of the universe, this collection of feet, legs, fur, head, other body parts became an exquisite living thing bestowed upon me to my good fortune and enriched my life.  Green is the embodiment of love, magic, and jubilation.   It was then a revelation came to me.  I did not spend enough one-on-one time with him.  Green wanted my attention much more than usual.  Our relationship went up another level last night because I made him feel special which he is.   

Green has such a gentle demeanor and soul.  He is an albino husky with pink-brown gums, ears, and nose.  I looked at him carefully and felt compelled to tell him how beautiful and handsome he was, and that I would always love him.  He has a permanent spot in my heart.  I will say my final goodbye soon.  I know I will eternally be in his heart, but he will find room to love the couple who are getting him.  He will be missed but not forgotten.  They are getting such a gentle and affectionate husky.  My beautiful and handsome boy – Green. 

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