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Ah...Fun Times

Current Mood: Nostalgic
MadieV~PHY~Gor (Kay, Stars)
Female - 61 years old, Beaumont, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2023-05-03 10:17:20 am Category General Viewed 284 times Likes 2
I found this while rooting around in archived files. Man, what a time we had! (Back when roleplay was enjoyable)
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! GUARDS! Oh, Somebodeh....HELP!!!
Khalid~Tor~HOC y7ells
Khalid~Tor~HOC :  Ha Kiell find who ever it is
myla : with no fine slaves needed I shall move on )
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ be well, myla. Thanks for stopping by!))
Khalid~Tor~HOC jerks a cloth from my pouch wraps it around Wamphs arm
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Penel we need a phy
Khalid~Tor~HOC : myla later maybe ok
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">A...a Phy...right...I'll see if I can find One...
WamphW climbed to My feet as a spray of crimson squirted out towards Khalid's face, pushing him away as I the sword in My left hand dropped to the floor with loss of grip ...
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Wamph wrap that cloth about your arm ok
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ voice shaking, I fled the scene, heading for the Hospital, sensible shoes clattering upon the cobblestones...
WamphW : Pen, take that back to Your shop with Khalid while I hold the ground here, someone doesn't want whatever is in those vases being brought to attention
WamphW said motioning as two shadows dressed in black approached from the darkness of the alleys
Khalid~Tor~HOC : ok Wamph do be careful
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Penel back to your shop with me ok
Khalid~Tor~HOC grabs Penel drags her back ti her shop
Khalid~Tor~HOC runs into Penels shop
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ heaving all the way back, dragged by Khalid.
Khalid~Tor~HOC : by the PK`s what is happening
Khalid~Tor~HOC : myla in here
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">But....Wamph.....He's alone....He's hurt! Bianciella is gonna beat the crap outta Me! 
Khalid~Tor~HOC closes and bolts the door
› myla has left the conversation.
Khalid~Tor~HOC : no she wont Penel Wamph ordered me to bring you back here/
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ in the still shop, I put My head into My hands and groaned out of worry...
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Wamph will be ok im sure
Khalid~Tor~HOC : i hae my 2 guards out looking
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">What are We gonna do? I need to send a Physician to the docks...right?
Khalid~Tor~HOC : aye you should but would it be safe
Khalid~Tor~HOC : B should be here
WamphW turned to face the two assassin as the circled closer, fortunately enough they had dispersed with crossbows, else I was likely to be a skewered Warrior right about now. I feinted a charge to the one to the left of the two, altering My course to leap to the right, feeling the slash of steel across My left thigh as I pierced the throat of the rt Assassin, a stream of blood flowing freely down My left leg as I hobbled into a turn to face the remaining Assassin
Khalid~Tor~HOC : i should have been a Warrior but alas im not
› ◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ has left the conversation.
Khalid~Tor~HOC : me thinks Wamph will be alright
› ◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ has joined the conversation.
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Penel where did you go
Khalid~Tor~HOC : wb Pene
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">Swears in Sailor language! I just lost all that awesome rp!  )))
Khalid~Tor~HOC : damn
WamphW : I have it from when I came back))
Khalid~Tor~HOC : good Wamph
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">Cool beans. This is definitely a keeper)))
Khalid~Tor~HOC : aye it tis
Khalid~Tor~HOC : hes killed on assisian
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ slips back into Character)))
Khalid~Tor~HOC : lets hope he gets the second
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ sends a thrall to the hospital with an urgent message for Whomever is on call this night to get to the docks and bring a Hastati squad as well. There was disorder a-happenin'!
Khalid~Tor~HOC : lets hope the thrall makes it
WamphW with blood flowing from the hole in My left shoulder and the gash in My left thigh, I looked almost half red, half tanned as My skin stained with the blood on top of it. I turned the sword in My rt hand as the Assassin slowly circled Me. Skilled, confident, He knew what He was doing. The first clash of steel broke through the silence of the night like a boom of thunder as I parried a slash across My rt hip, a wince as My balance almost went on My left side
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ wrung My hands a few times before deciding to make Myself busy. I couldn't go back out, even if I wanted to. Khalid had said to stay put. So I put on some water to boil, thinking I'd use it for tea....or mebbe brew some blackwine...
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">Khalid, may I get You something to drink...or eat?
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">Anything to take My mind off of worrying?
Khalid~Tor~HOC : aye Penel blackwine
Khalid~Tor~HOC shakes wanting to help Wamph
Khalid~Tor~HOC shaking sees my spear lyin where i dropped it
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ In the kitchen, I reached for a couple of cups, setting them upon the table, then reached in the cupboard for the bag of roasted beans that produced that potent stimulant. I crushed a half cup and placed in a strainer, then took the boiling water in the kettle and slowly poured it over the beans, watching as the water turned a rich black color and the aroma of fresh brew filled the room.
WamphW sidestepped a thrust to My gut, spinning Myself around the back of the Assassin and brining My elbow up and across the back of the head of the Assassin. I turned as the Assassin did, ducking under a fist but having to drop My own sword to catch the wrist of the Assassin as He tried to bring a dagger down and into My eye. The strength of My one hand trying to hold His wrist up as He ut the pressure of both hands down, forcing My knees to buckle as I struggled with mismatch of stength
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">I set the cups on a tray along with cream and cubes of white and yellow sugars, two napkins and two spoons. I brought these out to where the HoC was waiting, trying not to show how scared I really was.
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ action that!))
Khalid~Tor~HOC takes one of the cups drinks sits it down n says
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ If You die, Warrior, I'll not be able to look B in the eyes again! So WIN!)))
Khalid~Tor~HOC : dang i gott atry n help Wamph
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">Please, be careful, Khalid!
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">The Phy and the Guards should be reaching the docks at any moment. Mebbe the Warrior prevailed! We...We have to think positively, right?
Khalid~Tor~HOC grabs my spear off the floor runs out the door seeing Wamph struggling with the man i draw my arm back take aim and release the spear and watches as it goes right thru the neck of the assissan
Khalid~Tor~HOC runs over to Wamph as the man drops gagging blood running fro his throat as he dies
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ has sent you whispers (accept | decline).
Message: apyrus">You prolonging the fight til B gets back? Ya know She's going through My unmentionables right now! 
Khalid~Tor~HOC :  Wamph Wamp he is dead
Khalid~Tor~HOC :  your safe now
Khalid~Tor~HOC pulls my spear from his throat as he liesd there dead
WamphW noting the blade to My right I grimaced, knowing what My option was and let go of the Assassins wrist,, shifting My weight to the right as I did so. The searing pain of the dagger as it entered My left shoulder to the hilt, as I grasped the blade and plunged it into the open sternum of the Assassin. I knelt, dagger deep in My rt shoulder, blood flowing freely from both wounds on My left side as I fell down face first, the two assassins either side of Me
Khalid~Tor~HOC : come let me help you up 
Khalid~Tor~HOC : ok i was a lil late
Khalid~Tor~HOC : Wamph the Phy should be here soon
Khalid~Tor~HOC : czn you make it to Penels shop
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ A Physician shows up on the run, flanked by six of Vendara's guards, the Hastati, one carrying a litter for the injured. The scene was as horrific as could be imagined, with blood all over the place and on the still forms on the ground in front of the warehouse.
Khalid~Tor~HOC runs back to Penels walks in says 
Khalid~Tor~HOC :  the Phy is there now
Khalid~Tor~HOC drinks my blackwine sklowly
Khalid~Tor~HOC : W amph is cut some but ok
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ He (the Phy) did a quick assessment, and upon checking the pulse of the Warrior, found it still strong though faint because of the blood loss. He began to first stop the bleeding, keeping an eye upon the rise and fall of the valiant Warrior's chest...
Khalid~Tor~HOC : man this was some great Roleplay Penel
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ : apyrus">You said it, Khalid)) 
Khalid~Tor~HOC : this should be blogged
◊Penelope~M~Vendara◊ He bound the wounds after pouring water upon them, washing away the blood. And then had two of theguards gently lift Him and set Him upon the litter. "Get this Man to the hospital quickly! We must stabilize...
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