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Frog Island, Part 4

Current Mood: Nostalgic
MadieV~PHY~Gor (Kay, Stars)
Female - 61 years old, Beaumont, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-12-10 6:17:03 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 282 times Likes 4

Month 9 Hand 5, 23 Day, Year 10169 C.A.

Haigan I had warmed and dried myself by the fire after rotating the Guards so that everyone got some sleep when they could. I had eaten a bit and hydrated myself as I sat near the fire bundled into My tunic and had later slipped against my girl's side and pulled her close in my arms to sleep as well.
amari☰H☰fg stirred slightly, feeling the warmth from the fire as my eyes blinked open slowly, taking in the surroundings as i recalled where i was
Haigan I had been awakened by a kick from one of the Guardsmen and alerting to a low toned but very clear hissing sound and other strange noises emanating from the downward sloping tunnel wherein the flooded chamber lay. Rubbing my eyes and listening to the ominous sounds of a loud slurping and coughing noise mingling with the hissing I reached for the willow-leaf blade and rose to a low crouch. "Wake the Physician and do not cause a panic" I spoke to the Guardsman as I crept toward the blackness of the tunnel's opening.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ was deep in a fantasy breakfast of warm vulo eggs, cereal with butter and toast, and ramberry juice and black wine...unaware of the light snoring, of course. 
All of a sudden, in the dream, everything was shaking. And then reality turned off the behind the lids projection, and I opened dark eyes, blinking in the dim light of the few torches and sat up, stretching to get the stiffness out of My limbs. Dang it...there's always one foot that wants to sleep in...
Haigan I spoke softly in the flickering light of the fire which cast dancing shadows around the chamber where we lay in rest "amari, a torch and be quiet about it"
amari☰H☰fg still somewhat hazy, i felt my Master shift away as i stretched beneath the covering that lay atop me. hearing a murmuring from above as someone spoke to Him, but unable to make out the words, i sat up, my arms lifting toward the ceiling of the cave as i heard my Master's low and urgent tone. i nodded and replied.."yes, Master" and lifted to my feet to gather a torch in hand
Haigan extending my left arm and flexing my hand I waited for the shaft of the torch to be pressed into it as I stared blindly ahead into the consuming darkness and listened to the strange but not completely unfamiliar noises as my mind searched for their meaning.
amari☰H☰fg handing over the torch, my hands moved upward to braid my hair quickly, getting it out of the way so that i might become more alert
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ as I sat on the floor of the cavern, I massaged the foot and ankle quietly, though I wanted to hiss at the pins and needles feeling. I noticed that Haigan and amari were also awake and wondered what time it was.
amari☰H☰fg wasn't sure what had alerted the Guards or my Master, though i shivered hearing strange noises coming from the darkness. i looked to my Master, then to Mistress who had awakened also, then back to Him, my brow furrowed
Haigan gripping the torch in hand I spoke softly to my slave in the wavering light of the fire "you stay here, with the Physician." I nodded toward the Lady and moved ahead, creeping slowly, quietly, forward along with the advancing light upon the walls from which shadows and darkness receded in silence. Rising to my feet, sword and torch in hand and ready I approached the increasing volume of sound ushering forth from the depths of the descending tunnel of stone.
amari☰H☰fg hearing His instruction, i nodded silently, sea- green eyes meeting His darkened gaze in the dim light of the torch, offering a wavering smile so that He did not see my worry as i moved toward Mistress Madie then watched as He shifted toward the tunnel offering a soft "good morning, Mistress"..i thought, not for the first time, what a brave FW She was to venture out and away from the comforts of Her home in search of what She might discover to benefit Her Caste
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ whispered a greeting to the kajira when she drew near, then "What's got Haigan up so early? And why isn't He taking a few guards for back up? Priest Kings... what IS that sound?"
Haigan seeing nothing which had not been there previously within the tunnel I moved into the flooded chamber sweeping the torch ahead at arms length into the darkness of the chasm. I saw nothing which I had expected and less in fact. I had thought perhaps the legends of monstrous unknown creatures were true as I had moved toward the unknown noise but encountered none. Sweeping the torch over the rotting wooden railings and rusting iron had revealed the source of the noise as in the sunken chamber below. A whirlpool raged in ceaseless unrest as the waters slowly receded from it. 
amari☰H☰fg since i didn't have much information myself, i answered Her inquiry as honestly as i could...."i'm not sure, Mistress, just that the Guard awoke Him..and well..Master being Master...He went to see exactly what the sound is!"
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ "and what does He expect to do alone if it's something large...which it may be?" I hurriedly buckled on the belt with the sheathed dagger, and checked the pouch with the two capture darts. like they'd be of much help either.
Haigan Slowly the answer dawned on me in my amazement of the event I was witnessing, it was the TIDE! The tide was going OUT! I turned to the tunnel and shouted in joy and excitement " MADIE! AMARI! BRING TORCHES!"

amari☰H☰fg shrugged lightly in response, voicing with more courage than i had..."umm..i'm sure He will be safe, Mistress. if He can fight off a Kurii, He can...." my words were interrupted by His sudden shout. Looking to the Mistress then toward the tunnel before reaching for another set of torches, handing one to Mistress, i then hurried toward the entrance from where His voice carried
Haigan I began to descend the stone steps which appeared now one by one as the chamber drained. Only hours ago these same stairs had been hidden,nothing more than their landing had been seen and I had used it then as a launch when I had swam in search of the farther stair shown on the map the Physician possessed.
amari☰H☰fg expecting to see Him standing near the entrance to the flooded tunnel, i paused to look over my shoulder for Mistress, then continued on further inward then gasped in surprise as i saw the water receding at a rapid pace and called out in astonishment "Master!" seeing Him a short distance away descending the steps
Haigan I laughed as I noted the jagged uneven walls of the chamber noting the presence of numerous rough and algae clad oysters affixed here and there in colonies along the stone walls. This was no flooded chamber, it was a Sea-cave affected by the changing tides. The Lady Au'Rorah, the Physician of Helisto, had been using the Sea itself to hide Her secrets.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ : "What's He yelling now?"  Crossly mumbling, watching amari hurry over to Him. I followed at a slower pace, lest I somehow caused some physical harm to the Man. I was being cautious this time.
Haigan I glanced to the girl and smiled, laughing softly as I spoke "Tell the Killer Physician to bring Her head-splitting stone. We'll need it."
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ when I reached the stairwell of the second tunnel, I gasped softly. It had changed drastically. I could see the stairs all the way down to the bottom floor, which still had roughly a hort of water pooled on it, but even that was receding, where to, I'd no idea, but it was extraordinary to say the least.
amari☰H☰fg spoke out, half laughing, half in bewilderment..."wha...where..what happened to the water?!"...not really expecting an answer or even needing one. i turned with a smile of amazement to Mistress "Master said to get Your head-splitting stone, Mistress!" i wasn't really sure what that was, but it sounded a little dangerous to me
Haigan as I reached the lowest of the stairs I watched in awe as the floor drained completely and puzzled at this only a moment longer before that secret too revealed itself. The stone floor of the cave had been channeled! At some point in time forgotten now, someone had taken the time to cut drain channels into the stone with hammer and chisel. I stepped down upon this solid floor and began to move slowly in order to study the contours of the walls, the sloped edges of the floor which formed a basin and the channels which utterly drained it. I muttered quietly to Myself as if affirming the fact "it's the tide."
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ blinked. Head splitting stone? Did He mean the rock I'd taken a fancy too back at AuRorah's cottage? I had slipped that in My pack and forgotten about it. Goodness, He had a keen eye! But the pack was sitting back in the main cave, so I nodded, and went back for it, with a faster pace than I'd arrived.
amari☰H☰fg making my way down the steps cautiously, i came to stand upon the damp stone floor and inhaled deeply of the musty, salty smell that filled the space. hearing my Master explain, i smiled wide as my gaze wandered to the channels carved into the floor
Haigan : I hadn't realized it before, but when we made land the Ohana was in about ten feet of water. The following morning, yesterday, when we came ashore again She sat in almost twenty. When we left the shore we moved upland to find the cave and from there we have moved down again, along this tunnel. We are not underwater here, we are at Sea level. This chamber is on the far shore of the island, it's a sea cave!
 amari☰H☰fg listened intently as He explained
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ The guards eyed Me curiously as I fairly ran back to where I'd been resting, and looked through the shoulder pack, pulling this and that and the other out...then knelt back on My heels, puzzled. Did I bring it? All I had was the block of wood with the soapstone still tied to it, A pack of charcoal writing sticks and a sheaf of rolled rence paper, the bottle of tharlarion oil for the lamp, and the striker. A few other things too, but none that looked like a rock.
Haigan looking to My girl and waving the torch slowly around us to spread its light I exclaimed "LOOK at all this food! Sorps everywhere! Clams and Crabs! Shellfish! Get a sack! Get a BIG sack! It's a smorgasbord! A FEAST!" 
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I stuffed everything back into the shoulder-pack and ran back into the tunnel towards the stairwell where the Farming PirateCaptain and amari were.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ : I don't have any least none hard enough to dent YOUR head!

2019-12-10 7:02:48 pm
Thank you aeternum! I liked yours as well
2019-12-10 8:33:49 pm
Good stuff!
2019-12-10 8:36:51 pm
Thank You for commenting, Simon.