amari☰H☰fg Having another idea of something that might please my Master, i shifted again and approached a tall palm tree that grew amongst the overgrown vegetation, my pack now in hand.
Dropping to my knees upon the ground with the pack, i dug in, withdrawing a sheathed knife my Master allowed me for my chores. Pulling the knife from its protective cover, i sharpened it upon a large stone. Returning it to the sheath, i tucked it into the leather binding wrapped around me waist as i gazed high up the trunk of the tree, grateful once again for the sturdy leather boots that offered protection for my feet and the britches that covered my legs.
i took a firm hand-hold of the rough trunk and began to shimmy up the tree toward the lush, wide leaves of the palm, keeping my eyes upward as i slowly made my way nearer to the canopy of the tree where the plumage of thick stalks grew. Seeing a jutting out from the main trunk, i hoisted my leg over it, straddling the small adjunct growth of the tree and reaching for the knife with my right hand as my left steadied me against the main trunk. Holding the knife firmly in hand, i sliced away several large palm leaves from among the abundant growth, allowing them to fall the relatively short distance down to the ground. Satisfied that i had procured enough to use for my purposes, i replaced the knife cautiously and shimmied back down the trunk, jumping the last three feet down onto the forest floor.
Kneeling down upon the ground where i stood, i began working with the leaves, using the knife to, in effect, debone the leaf. i cut into the stem with the tip of the knife, popping out the stiff part of the stem and stripping away the soft leaf. Each leaf prepared in strips, i gathered a piece of rope from my pack, measuring it around my waist and cutting it to fit, leaving a small amount to tie securely. Laying the length of rope upon the ground, i began folding over the deboned stems, tucking the ends over the rope line and tying the stem to itself in a slip-knot fashion, repeating and overlapping each strip of leaf to the next until the entire length of rope was covered. Lastly, i stood with either end of the rope in each hand and held it up to my waist, wrapping it around and tying it securely, allowing it to fall slightly to rest upon the curve of my hips.
Testing out the leaf skirt which fell just below my knees, i swished my hips from side to side, pleased at the soft rustling sound of the leaves brushing against each other. with a satisfied grin, i untied the skirt, rolling it up carefully and tucking it into my pack until it was needed and hurried back to the ledge, placing my pack near the crates once more.
Tying the bright red silk scarf around my wrist, i returned my gaze to the horizon and the bay, waiting and watching fervently for the ship, my gaze shifting only to see each of the thralls as they returned with their bounty, then left again to gather more. i smiled to each of them, pleased to see the crates filling quickly.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I wasn't too worried, I told Myself. Haigan was pretty clever most of the time, and wouldn't leave amari behind, so there must be something up His tunic sleeve!
Haigan Furling the chart and stowing it away again I watched as the belly of the canvas filled, I called aloud "WEIGH THE ANCHOR! SLACKEN STARBOARD BRACES!" I wanted the mainsail to rotate slightly to the left to take us out against the rising tide and watched, well pleased as the canvas billowed out with the tell-tails fluttering far to the port side along the length of the mainsail.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I swept back into AuRorah's office, for one last search, frustrated that the still which had been My main objective, had not been found. I sat down at the desk, which faced directly opposite the door, and leaned back in the very comfy chair that went with it. Before I let My eyes drift closed, I noticed the slightest of depressions in the otherwise smooth surface of the ka-la-na wood desk. Now, being somewhat sure that AuRorah was a perfectionist about some things, particularly Her work equipment, this made Me wonder. The depression wasn't round, it was square, and about an eigth of a Gorean inch deep, like it was a niche for something. I scanned the shelves for something with a base that might fit, and not seeing anything, I began to search the Lady Phy's desk drawers and the secretary hutch again.
amari☰H☰fg thrall 1 )) hoisting the second of two large sul sacks over my shoulder, i trudge back to the mouth of the cave, placing the sack alongside the other into one of the empty crates. inside there were dates and nuts, big nuts, small nuts, nuts of various colors, some smooth, some rough. i wondered what they would be doing with all of these nuts.
Haigan Taking us out to Sea I took the tiller firmly in hand and turned the Ohana out on a run with the wind toward the deeper water and brought Her 90 degrees to port, setting Her on a course of due Klim. "Hold the wind and haul water!" Bringing the bow of the Ohana around again when nearly a pasang for shore I turned Her due Vask to begin the long sweeping run around Frog Island.
amari☰H☰fg thrall 2 )) i'd filled my shoulder pack for the fourth time with a mix of lots of fruits, some i'd never even seen before. i nodded to the girl who was playing with flowers now and dumped the latest load into the crates which were filled to overflowing.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ in the bottom left drawer, waaaaaaay towards the back, I felt a false side. It was more shallow than the desk's dimensions. Intrigued, I removed My gloves and slid sensitive fingertips up and down the back surface and discovered a simple latch, which I undid, and the back fell open. A gleaming jade cube was revealed. "Wowww...."
Haigan Adjusting our course by sight I began to cruise along the coast with one objective in mind. To find that hidden bay where I was to retrieve the Lady, Her salvage and My love slave."Eyes on that jungle canopy! Look for the sign of a flag on the breeze!"
amari☰H☰fg thrall 3 )) taking the girl at her word, i hadn't dawdled..not one bit. i hurried and gathered and gathered and hurried as i added fruits and berries of all kinds, some with hard shells, some were soft, some were long, others were round, i noticed as i emptied my shoulder pack into the crate.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I attempted to lift the cube with deliberate care. It's cut was exact, and all sides were as smooth as glass. The stone was almost translucent in it's purity. It was the product of a Master Jeweler, I could tell.
Haigan I knew somewhere high in that dense canopy My girl was on lookout for the Ohana with orders to fly her scarf as a signal on sighting us.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I set the cube on the desk, and slid it across the depression until it settled into it with a quiet "snick", and I looked about expectantly....but nothing happened in the office. No hidden door slid open, nothing emerged from the floor or descended from the ceiling. Not a thing.
amari☰H☰fg standing near the wide ledge with the cliff just beyond, i watched the waves as the tide moved in for the first sighting of the Ohana, sea green eyes narrowed as i focused, then smiled widely as i saw the masthead in the distance. i lifted my arm to which the red silk was tied securely against the breeze, waving frantically and calling out...."Master! Master!"...even though i knew there was no way of Him hearing me
Haigan "RED MARKER OFF THE PORT BOW!" came the call from the Bosun. Turning My eyes upward high into the lush green canopy I smiled. That girl had never failed Me, she made Me proud. "Run up the colors! Let 'em know we see 'em!"
amari☰H☰fg jumped up and down, waving my arms excitedly as the sails came into view, shouting and cheering and laughing, red silk dancing in the air with each movement.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ from the ledge, I heard amari's voice calling "Master!" She must have seen Him, though how she could through that canopy was anyone's guess. I focused on the cube sitting innocuously in the depression. It had been My last hope. I was gonna have to pay Haigan 5 coppers, dagnabit! Morosely, I picked up the cube, turned it upside down, and then dropped it back in the depression. I got out of the chair, and started for the door...when I heard a soft grating noise behind Me. The fine hairs at the back of My neck rose, and I froze several steps from the door, eyes darting left and right, voice frozen in My throat. I wanted to call out to amari, but not being sure what it was behind Me I couldn't get a sound out.
Haigan I turned the Ohana's tiller and brought Her bow about heading Her on a hard reach into toward the entrance of the sheltered bay. "Run out those sheets! Turn the wind out! Strike the colors!" I had the rigging slackened to loosen the mainsail, allowing the wind to escape to slow our speed into the shallows. I had the flags taken down to help conceal our location as the light of the day began to fade, obscured already as it was by the island itself between the Ohana and the orange red face of Lar Torvis.
amari☰H☰fg continued waving my limbs frantically until i saw the colors on display and smiled brightly, holding both arms up and open wide as if welcoming Him home
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ after a few ihns of stillness, and no attack forthcoming, I swallowed My fear (it tasted very bland...and chunky) and turned to look behind Me. To My surprise, the desk and chair had moved three feet to the right. But still no openings in the room. I searched twice to no avail, then stomped out of the room, disappointed. Maybe the mechanisim had been damaged, I thought. Back out in the cave that led to the ledge, I could see amari's arms outstretched, and the thralls working diligently gathering the food as she'd instructed.
amari☰H☰fg turning where i stood, i spoke urgently to the thralls..."Finish your gathering and assemble the crates to be loaded, then go to make sure everything is crated from inside that is needed!" receiving their nods of understanding, i moved to gather my pack, nervous anticipation making my hands shake.
Haigan I called for the Bosun and relinquished to him the Ohana's tiller then darted to Her port rail to watch the waterline and the lichen covered stones which jutted up from the depths below. I saw in the distance the thick braid of rope which hung from the gantry hidden within the canopy above. "Five degrees port side Bosun." I called out clearly. "Strike the mainsail and bind it." I watched as the Ohana's strakes passed within ten feet of jagged stone.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ As I stood just outside the doorway of the office, one of the thralls assigned to Me approached and asked deferentially, "Mistress...did You want us to bring that as well?"as he pointed towards a spot to the left of Me about five feet. "What are you on abou--ut?"My jaw dropped and eyes fairly bugged out as My heart magic, it had appeared from a recess in the wall on a low stone platform.

Haigan "Drop the anchor!" I barked over the deck, My plan being to pay out rope slowly by the capstan to allow the Ohana's stern to swing with the incoming tide. My hope was to center the cargo rope from above at about Her center beam along the stern for direct loading by the gantry above."Get mooring lines out port and starboard off the stern! Get ashore and make us fast among those trees!"
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I wanted to holler "EUREKA!" This had to be the still, mentioned whenever the Lady AuRorah's name came up in polite Physician conversation. I ignored the boy's query at first and approached the still in disbelieving hope...I reached out and laid both palms against the cold surface of gleaming copper. It wasn't a mirage...
amari☰H☰fg having everything ready to go, i stood at the ledge, watching as He captained the ship. i could hear His commanding voice, faint from where i stood above the cliff, but clearly directing the crew. He was in His element and i smiled wide as i watched in awe.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ : "Quickly! Quickly, quickly! But carefully or I'll punt you all from the ledge of this cave! Get this equipment dismantled and loaded AND let ME label it, Understand?"
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ (all three thralls in unison) "Yes, Mistress!"
Haigan I laughed heartily, a wide rogue's smile spreading across My face as the cargo line came to hand. Placing a booted foot within the deep belly of the large iron hook, I stuck two finger between My lips and whistled loudly, a long sharp note which carried clearly with the lack of wind. I cast dark eyes skyward into the canopy above and catching a glimpse of gold shining from among the greenery I turned My right hand palm upward, sweapt My arm out to My side and bowed. Laughing merrily I called out "Put those thralls to work! Grab the line and HEAVE! Bosun hold this position. Pay out rode from the capstan and cleats to ride the tide in or out as you must. I return soon with much cargo."
amari☰H☰fg laughed and clapped delightedly, throwing kisses His way and responding in turn with a shout..."yes, my Master!!" i turned and shouted to the thralls..."Here! Now! Grab the line!"...seeing them scurry toward the shore, i moved along with them, all of us grabbing hold of a portion of the line. as my boots dug into the shore, i shouted..."One..two..three..HEAVE!!" pulling along with them with all my might!
Haigan I gripped the cargo line firmly with My left hand and watched as the line began to tighten from above under the labor of the thralls. I knew the hook would carry My weight and in fact the girl herself could have easily hauled My weight up due to the mechanical advantage of the pulleys which greatly reduced the force needed for lifting. From the number of block and tackle I had counted earlier it likely took no more than ten or fifteen pounds of force to carry My two hundred and fifty.
amari☰H☰fg i knew He hadn't commanded me to join in, but i wanted to be a part of it too. i could do more than look pretty after all and the rest of my tasks were done. i wanted to be useful, so i worked hand over hand as i'd seen done.
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ while amari was doing her thing at the ledge, I was back and forth directing the closing of the crates that had been packed, marking the contents on the tops and sides so nothing was confused.
Haigan Quickly reaching the precipice I leaned and stepped from the iron hook to solid stone, releasing the cargo line from hand I swept My arms around her, lifting her from her feet as I took her lips with Mine and carried her again into the shadowy confines of the cliff-side cave."Well done love! you fill Me with pride!"
amari☰H☰fg mmm'd softly at the striking image He portrayed..."a conquering pirate come to collect His bounty," i thought fancifully, moaning as He kissed me and swept me away into the cave. i smiled brightly at His words and hugged Him tight.
Haigan Returning her to her feet with a brisk slap to her firm rask I spoke again.
"That cargo crate bound with chains...the ring fits the hook of that rope. Have these slaves load their harvest and send it below. The Ohana will receive it with crew standing by."
ⱮąɗíÒ½ VҽყƖ~ƤɦƬ I went back into AuRorah's office and straightened things back up, removing the cube from it's depression and taking it with Me so that the secret would remain safe. I closed all drawers and cabinet doors and cubbies and hutches neatly then left that room, locking it with the key once more and stowing the pair in My coin pouch with the cave map.
Haigan Leaving her to her work I strode across the cavern to the descending stairs and shouted "HEY LADY! WHERE"S MY MONEY?" down them toward the landing below, before descending them with a merry laugh as I went in search of the Physician.
amari☰H☰fg looking up as He spoke, i nodded in understanding, replying.."yes, my Master!"and moving to where the thralls awaited. i repeated His command to them, pointing out the loading process and set them to their task, standing firmly with my fists curled on my hips as i watched to assure it was done properly.