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11 Days...

Current Mood: Nostalgic
MadieV~PHY~Gor (Kay, Stars)
Female - 61 years old, Beaumont, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-01-11 2:32:33 pm Category General Viewed 453 times Likes 0

into the new year and my daughter is still in the hospital, this time because the doctors don't know how to interpret her recovery.

She had a seizure because of encephalitis. The encephalitis is resolving. Her BP and heart rate were elevated. Being controlled by medication.  She is alert, aware, and active. That sounds like cured or "not sick" to ME. Let's get with the discharging already, dammit. A spinal tap from a week ago is now freakin irrelevant.

Still...they project "MAYBE" Monday as a discharge day. Oy VEY!

That's the update for now, family and friends.

I'll relay this rant to the next med authority that dares to poke their head in her room.


Frustrated Typist/Mom/Me

2020-01-11 11:39:24 pm
Oh Madie, it's so hard to have a kiddo in the hospital, just know the Dr's are doing their best to make sure she is well and fully recovered. Sending my best wishes for her quick return home, and prayers for her full recovery!
2020-01-12 11:20:58 am
Our positive thoughts and energies Madie
2020-01-13 4:49:40 pm
keeping Your daughter in my thoughts and prayers that she will be home with You soon