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MadieV~PHY~Gor's Profile

Current Mood: Nostalgic
MadieV~PHY~Gor (Kay, Stars)
Female - 61 years old, Beaumont, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Updated: 2023-05-06 6:33:12 pm Viewed 4,323 times Likes 14

Free-form and Gorean Roleplay since 1996

Profile Pics are NOT Me! (just Character "draping" )

Gorean Profile: FW Citizen of Fort Haskins

Phy Caste

Madie is 51.2 Horts tall (5'4" ), 30.5 stone (122 lbs), darkbrown very curly hair, eyes - obsidian black, dark skinned.

Meek, mild, maddeningly modest (mindfully Myself)

Stabilization age: 26.

Escorted at all times when away from home or travelling by a small retinue of skilled, overly protective and capriciously grumpy guards.

Dislikes: Ships, ferries, skiffs, canoes, rafts. Large bodies of water. Surfing. Flying (on or beneath tarns or Ul... :S ) Ill-bred animals. Raids.

April 1, 2020 has FC'd the Physician Russell M. Haerodatus.

Blessed with twins in the early ahns of 17th day of Se'Var.  One boy (Jaden Gareth), one girl, Jade Mirian). Healthy and beautifully formed. 

CAUTION: Very Hard To Please!


“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem.”– Thomas Jefferson

   Often translated as:  “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”


Psalm 32

(My avatar is the actress Madeline Mantock in her role as Veil from "Into The Badlands")

Central Standard Time, United States