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MiyoshiYasuko's Profile

Current Mood: Grateful
MiyoshiYasuko (Miyoshi, *)
Female - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2 days ago 8:28:48 pm Viewed 10 times Likes 0


Thanks for stopping by my profile!

I'll be chatting in the rooms again after the holidays, but for now I am only blogging.

My in-laws suffered tremendous loss from Hurricane Helene and are now living near us. My husband's extended family suffered loss of life, utter devastation of homes and businesses and, for some of them, financial ruin as the cherry on top. My father-in-law and his family are Haitian Creole. My mom and her extended family are Lebanese. Being online feels like a very unhospitable place of late, and the closer we get to the US elections, the worse it gets. 

Words matter. 

Until things settle, I'm just doing my own thing here on my page/blog and counting the blessings I cherish.




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