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Order ready for Madie Veyl

Current Mood: Zombified
Oleander (Oleander, *)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-06-02 7:29:16 pm Category General Viewed 394 times Likes 0

You may view order here

Please let me know where to deliver in the next hand. Thanks!

Oleander, Perfumer Extraordinaire

2019-06-02 9:11:12 pm
Thank You for formulating the items so quickly, Ole! I am very eager to get them but My travels have Me away from Fort Haskins for at least a month and a half :S ! We are still trudging along by caravan, and though We're in sight of the tops of the mountains of the Sardar, We have a long way to go. Should reach the fairgrounds exactly on the first of En'Var (June 18th) I'd planned for the two-day Conference, and another hand for relaxation, then head back home. (cont'd)
2019-06-02 9:13:55 pm
I'll send a message back to Veyl Manor and have Hector or one of the house slaves pick it up for Me if I don't run into You at the fairgrounds. Oh! And about that thing that We talked about, Haigan has no problem with it, so when I get back to town, let's get together and draft something agreeable for all parties concerned, aye? Respectfully, Madie
2019-06-03 1:33:33 am
Sounds good! I am still hoping to meet you for the festival, so I'll be sure to have them with me! And I look forward to meeting with you and Haigan!