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Of Rules, and Respect. (Originally titled: Do you know where your Gorean Chatroom is?)

Current Mood: Zombified
Oleander (Oleander, *)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-09-27 12:47:18 am Category General Viewed 902 times Likes 3

I wrote this last night when I was incredibly angry, but I almost feel bad posting it after seeing those men step up. You know who you are and kudos!!
But I still feel about half of it needed to be said - and I'm very glad I waited 24 hours.  


Recently, it has been thought our "golden age" will be regained by Rules, not by inspiration or leadership.  By name-calling and disrespect.  By belittling and neglect, then anger.  
And then wonder ... what's wrong?  Aretha can tell you.  Respect.

In the past two weeks I have watched:  

The minute rules get discussed, the real and percieved lynchings start.  Couple slaves, couple Free.  One was respectful, one not so much.  Still gratuitous.  
A few screeds and resignings, homes branded all kinds of really disrespctful, really divisive characterizations. 
Free men and women presenting themselves in a petty, vindictive manner in full view.  Calling little nicknames.
And my last personal straw, a slave called garbage because she was doing OOC things found annoying.  How about "stop that, and now!"?

Pro Tip:  slaves arent really "slaves" - they choose a role here.  They're people like you and me who have chosen a different station in roleplay.  They make decisions every day.  I would leave and not return if someone called me garbage.  And if they all do that, the leftovers might be less than appealing.

There is a difference between correcting a slave, and calling her garbage.  
There is a difference between disagreeing with a point in a respectful manner and calling everyone who doesnt agree with it "stupid" or "insert stupid nickname".  
There is a diffference between being abusive and disrespectful, and being firm and uncompromised. 

I've removed myself from the rule-making process, the voting and any discussions with regards to it.  I've come to the conclusion that for myself, it is not the only answer. 

Of course I will agree to logical guidelines/rules why wouldnt I?  But the human part of this interaction will not balance on a one-legged stool

Respect is the starting point.  Respect for the people you interact with, and for PK's sake - for yourself.  

You've got that promise from me - no matter what you do or how stupid I think it is. 

I make no promise of my silence.

2019-09-27 1:12:51 am
The only thing I believe you may have misinterpreted about all this is that I don't believe the slave was being referred to as garbage. If I'm not mistaken the person who made that 'this garbage didn't come from my home' comment was referring to the idea of people being openly discouraged from taking part in an event.
2019-09-27 1:17:41 am
That's very possible - I can see it from that direction. I didn't take it that way (obviously lol) and it's gone. But I concede your point, Free Man : )
2019-09-27 7:10:08 am
I'm glad to see that you've publicly stated your approval of slaves slandering other people with false accusations and no evidence of the alleged wrong-doing so openly and freely without correction, while also disapproving of a Free-man calling them out for bad behavior. How VERY Gorean of you Oleander.
2019-09-27 5:31:57 pm
Is that what I said? Really? I don't think you read past the word "garbage" but thank you Haigan, for again making your agenda, position and priorities clear.
2019-09-27 7:06:01 pm
My "agenda" Oleander, is to call out what I see that is wrong. Here is what I said and I meant it. "However, I cannot recall a time from those days in which slaves were allowed to be mouthy in public and free to complain, express their dissatisfaction with current events, accuse other people of wrong-doing with impunity, or to lecture the Free on our civic responsibilities."
2019-09-27 7:08:56 pm
Blogs are not considered part of role-play, however they ARE considered to be "in character" unless otherwise noted and it was not. An accusation was made with no evidence offered to support it. That IS garbage and I called it out.
2019-09-28 2:08:57 am
Haigan, did you even read what I wrote? I realized your position the moment you stated it. Those aren't the words I took issue with and you're well aware of that. I also call out what I feel is wrong, and I did. Comments closed : )