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Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~'s Blog

2016-11-23 6:14:44 pm by Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ in category Lifestyle
I Tagas Of the Scarlett Caste Issue a Honor match Chalendge to  any Warrior  or Fighting Man of Gor for no other  reason  than to get the juices flowing on Gor if for no other  reason  than  to say I am a better fighter than others . Perhaps  this will show that there is still  some Gor left , My time online is limited   how ever  this...
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2016-02-07 5:53:21 pm by Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ in category General
My slave roshay  has had a heart  attack  and heart surgery  she is home and every  thing  seems to be ok I ask for your  prayers for her .. I am Tagas
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2016-02-07 2:06:22 pm by Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ in category General
I am looking for Goreans to form a council of equals, slaves and Free alike can be counted. This council will vote on what would be considered Gorean or not gorean simple things like, there are three moons on Gor, Gor is a counter  earth. Facts, things like Gor has diffrent measurments than earth. Any that are interested please reply. There will be...
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2015-09-13 5:51:54 pm by Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ in category General
"Those who fight monsters inevitably change. Because of all that they see and do, they lose their innocence, and a piece of their humanity with it. If they want to survive, they begin to adopt some of the same characteristics as the monsters they fight. It is necessary. They become capable of rage, and extreme violence.  There is a fundamental difference, however. They keep those...
2015-09-09 9:10:22 pm by Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ in category General
  had  awakened   in my  office  I  sat up from mmy chair   yawned  then  stood to get me  some  black  wine  from the kitchen out side my  door was a package with a note on it that read" In commemoration of your birth, I give you a cloak, made from byssus. Dyed scarlet in honor of your caste.This is no...
  • Account Deleted: I am really hoping some of the scarlet will want to spar. It's been some time since we've seen a...
  • Talarius of Helisto: Mentions the Warrior's words to Admiral Aiken as he doesn't tend to read 'the papers' much, being...
  • Account Deleted: "squints at the scroll, making out the odd word here n with interest"
  • Anee§ha~FC~Talarius~Helisto: Applaudes the Warrior's initiative and hopes Others will take up the challenge .. ~places hands...
  • Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~: yes yes I know I spelled words wrong but our caste wasn't taught to read or write