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Stand and Be Counted

Current Mood: Blank
Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ (Tagas, Halarius)
Male - 64 years old, Tarnburg, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-02-07 2:06:22 pm Category General Viewed 321 times Likes 0

I am looking for Goreans to form a council of equals, slaves and Free alike can be counted. This council will vote on what would be considered Gorean or not gorean simple things like, there are three moons on Gor, Gor is a counter  earth. Facts, things like Gor has diffrent measurments than earth. Any that are interested please reply.

There will be NO Drama allowed on this Blog. If you don't want to be counted don't post. If you don't like it don't comment .

I am Tagas  

2016-02-10 5:08:22 pm
kind of nice to see what others are doing about certain things, actually was a reminder for me to make sure i made sure i didn't say my or mine..Mistress
2016-02-10 6:04:14 pm
~smiles to the girl lexii~~, Everyone needs reminders every now and then.
2016-02-11 4:14:45 pm
I think this is a good direction to head in. Let's make it happen.