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Tagas~W~FC~Kiaa~LYD~ (Tagas, Halarius)
Male - 64 years old, Tarnburg, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-11-23 6:14:44 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 436 times Likes 2

I Tagas Of the Scarlett Caste Issue a Honor match Chalendge to  any Warrior  or Fighting Man of Gor for no other  reason  than to get the juices flowing on Gor if for no other  reason  than  to say I am a better fighter than others . Perhaps  this will show that there is still  some Gor left , My time online is limited   how ever  this is an effort that is worth, planning for  I look forward  to My caste members acepting  said chalendge promptly as per our codes .


I am Tagas  

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2016-11-24 11:13:57 am
"squints at the scroll, making out the odd word here n with interest"
2016-11-25 4:12:30 pm
Mentions the Warrior's words to Admiral Aiken as he doesn't tend to read 'the papers' much, being more concerned with practical matters. Despite his lack of sparring practice of late, the Admiral seemed open to the idea.
2016-11-29 8:40:14 pm
I am really hoping some of the scarlet will want to spar. It's been some time since we've seen a good competition. I hope others will step up.