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Current Mood: Determined
xPetraFWx (Petra, Petra)
Female - 86 years old, London, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2016-01-30 5:10:15 am Category General Viewed 184 times Likes 0

After spending much time researching this subject, I declare that Picaroon is an island in the Thassa and the Owner of the said island is Chaldea FreeWoman of Gor.

If the evidence is required then please contact me, but you best have disputing evidence and it had better be sound and true .

Petra of Asperiche.

2016-02-04 11:20:52 pm
I'll decide what's best when it comes to my actions, Petra. When you're brave enough to post your evidence publicly maybe it will matter. Until then it's just pointless yammering.
2016-02-05 12:01:50 pm
Bravery has nothing to do with it and if you just took a second to read it and the reasoning behind it. it may stop your supercilious comments oh and as to yammering you started it you pompous oaf!
2016-02-05 1:01:35 pm
Lol @ "pompous oaf". Called it spot on.