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Contracts... please.. !

Current Mood: Determined
xPetraFWx (Petra, Petra)
Female - 86 years old, London, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-09-03 7:20:37 pm Category General Viewed 437 times Likes 6

Can anyone find anything wrong with this statement that is so bad on many levels.

Coming from a woman who thinks she is fit to judge your spars... Woww.. Just wow and on ths blog you may comment.... 



In the books by our hero, John Norman, he wrote about slavery by contract.  Where a woman who wants whatever signs a contract with a man for a specific length of time and then she is  freed to go about her life as usual. In Old Testament  times, men engaged in a slavery by contract to earn a daughter, slave, land, animals and so on. This practice extended well into and post New Testament times, with a name change. Indentured servitude came into the vernacular. Ostensibly worked quite well for a very long time. It was also used as a method to pay off debts. I'm not suggesting that for gorean purposes. That's against " book". 

Gorean free men could do slavery by contract. Nothing prevents it. 

Lets' suppose they are upstanding men to begin with, do not want the stain of a high crime (theft of living property) to blemish their otherwise sterling reputation. They want a particular woman (slave for the sake of this discussion) and the owner/ owners are not inclined. He could have a legally binding contract drawn up whereby he agrees to perform menial labor or .....serve as a chamber slave or whatever, really,  for a specific amount of time to the goal of owning that slave. Once the period of time is exhausted ( as no doubt he will be too ) the slave becomes his to do with as he wishes, keeping her as a slave or freeing her to " claim " her as his woman. Nothing says gorean men can't do such a thing. Fasten your minds on just how proud that woman for whom you gave a year, give or take, or two, to win will be. Hopefully. 



2019-09-04 12:41:45 pm
Am I wrong in thinking that Men of Gor would Fight to take what they want over becoming a slave? I am pretty sure I read the books right and becoming a slave of any kind for any reason doesn't seem like something Men of Gor would do, willingly anyway.