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The Flu and a good night

Current Mood: Sore
Kalina◊FW (Kalina, Darkthorn)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-03-09 1:27:47 am Category General Viewed 64 times Likes 0

This has been one of those weeks...I was tackled by the flu on saturday evening and I have been fighting it off ever since. I don't know what this one is made of but...damn..almost makes me wish I had gotten the shot...**hahahahhaha** no...I will say that the last time I was this sick I stopped smoking...every time I would take a drag I would cough so hard my eyes would pop out...had to have the kids chase them down...slippery lill suckers....anyway. Now...for those who are also feeling the effects of this years flu..I want to say...I am so sorry!!...I have found nothing that really helps relieve this..though my 100 thousand dollar medical training says...spit....and for the love of God...don't give it to anyone else...and for those who don't have the pleasure of all the coughing, wheezing, sneezing and throwing up....(among other things) I suggest you run...beware of those plaguers...those "I don't know how to cover my mouth or wash my hands" those "walking dead" who have to go to the store to pick something up cause their family members are to selfish to do it for them....I say be selfish..refuse to shake their hands...carry tissues and cover your own noses..(and mouths) don't let it get you....hehehe...I will get off that soap box now..and get back to the real reason I am writing...I collared a slave...temptin...the light at the end of this nyquil enduced coma...nice huh? so keep an eye out for her...and stay healthy everyone...

Kalina...Healer...(Ownere of temptin)

2016-03-09 12:48:53 pm
I hope you feel better soon! If you were close I would bring you some soup & hot tea thick with honey!
2016-03-09 6:32:47 pm
Thank you for the kind words....I have to say...I would take it gladly...I love hot tea...well not so much now that I live in Hell...I mean...Arizona...Even on it's coldest days I can't get behind hot tea...My coffee intake is waning too...C'est la vie...all good things must come to an end..oops...tangent...Thank you again...have a wonder filled day.
2016-03-09 9:36:56 pm
Ugh... you do live in hell!