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Wanted !!!

Current Mood: Sore
Kalina◊FW (Kalina, Darkthorn)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-07-12 8:49:27 pm Category General Viewed 228 times Likes 0
Welcome to the Free Port City of Lydius!
Kalina◊FW pushing strands of hair behind my ears I sat at the table in the garden...there was a soft breeze as I sipped the black wine on the table and thought of what needed to be done on my part...writing utensil in hand I looked at the blank page on the table and continued to think...what was it that I wanted to post...nodding softly I started to write...
Wanted :
 A Builder to spend 2 hands in Lydius
 Room and board plus negotiable pay
 To build 3 cabana's at the beach
 Contact Kalina in Lydius (most evenings)
 Thank you!