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They're Here!!!

Current Mood: Sore
Kalina◊FW (Kalina, Darkthorn)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-07-20 2:28:29 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 199 times Likes 0

   Abaddon shifted as the first lows of the bosk caught his ears...I leaned into the Kaiila's neck letting him block the nights chilly air and patted his neck. They where finally here..Garath's Kaiila snorted a few times as well as wouldn't be long before they where in sight. I wondered when the last time they had hunted as they nashed their razor sharp teeth and made a mental note to have them sent out soon.
  We both kept to our own thoughts as we waited....having the bosk here might help me settle...I thought...being out here...hearing them calling was soothing to me..I had been out here during the day and the suggestion of maybe a ranch with all the animals was looking like a good one..maybe just my wagons...and the small band of Outriders that accompanied the bosk here. 
    They where close now..I could feel the ground shaking...hear the bleating as the bosk where pushed forward. I was sure the Outriders where ready to set up camp for the night, it had been a long hand of driving. I wondered how Outriders would fare in Lydius...I looked at Garath...he seemed to fit in where ever we went. Never letting the new region bother him. I hoped the others did as well, though I had told them if they wanted to return to the Plains they had no obligation to me. Also..if they stayed they would be paid to watch after the animals..
    The head of the body of bosk lumbered past..these where the bulls...the big boys. Horns so long I wondered how they kept their heads up...I smiled seeing a few of mine pass...the beautiful black ones with ribbons in their nose rings..Garath nudged me and shook his head...and we both chuckled....I tried to think of the names tempt had given each but gave up...I knew she would be down here...brushing the long haired calves that called out to their moms...she would love this. 

   The sun was rising over the lush green trees by the time the beasts where settled, most having moved to the stream to replinish, the rest grazing or lowing..We spoke with the Outriders for awhile, laughing at the antics along the trail..Garath paid the men and we waved to those that decided to go back to the Plains..The rest had brought their brightly painted wagons as well as my 3...empty they looked so forlorn...I sighed thinking how many didn't think of home as much as others...the Tuchuk men started to set up as we started back to the City.

2016-07-20 2:32:35 pm
I love the picture of Tuchuk life! Thanks for the imagery, Kalina!
2016-07-21 5:45:04 pm
Thank you Penelope