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A trial in Lydius...

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 46 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-01-07 9:33:37 pm Category General Viewed 90 times Likes 0

Be it known, that the Free Man, claiming to be of Cos, Justus Flavius, is to be tried on earth date January the 8TH, at 9 p,m. Eastern, for the crime of theft. Evidence will be brought forth to the administration of Lydius, and, if found guilty of theft, will be sentenced immediately upon sufficient evidence of guilt. 

This trial will be public, and all who care to attend may do so. 


By my hand, on this 7TH day of January, 2016 Earth Date

Barthello DuPree, Administrator of Lydius



2016-01-08 9:02:59 pm