Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

A request was made, a room will be created, and a Beta test of sorts will happen,

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 45 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-07-06 8:59:29 pm Category General Viewed 121 times Likes 0

I put a lot of thought into the "One Gor" proposal, and I have both high expectations and serious doubts at the same time, as many of us do. That being said, I had a thought that when, say, computer science types build programs, they beta test them,  so why not do the same here? 

So here it is! "One Gor" is going to go through a beta test this weekend! I made a trip to Buzzen Support, spoke with Apache, and he has agreed to loan Gor a BSR for 48 hours, starting at the time I pay him a visit. After talking with a couple people, including Judas, the general thought is that the weekend would be the best time to do it because that is when the bulk of us are either online or spend the most time here. I will launch the room this Friday, the 8th, sometime in the mid to late afternoon, so that it runs through Sunday afternoon (maybe closer to the evening, 4 or 5 EST). 

Now the unpopular part... 

Guidelines, rules and zones. 

I think, since a lot of effort was put into it without making it completely rule infested, the guidelines set out in the website that Judas and others built for this same concept back a while ago, that this should be the guidelines we use here. Here is a link to the website: 

The room will be Sanction Zoned. Yeah, I know, basically a safe zone, right? Wrong! Myself, Judas and one competent third, that is either selected by Judas or myself, or the parties involved, will judge any actions that happen in this room during the 48 hour period. 

Do keep in mind, that the objective here is realistic, GOREAN role play. Is there the possibility of a character death? An uncollared slave being captured? A FW being collared? Yes, yes and yes. Are we going to request that the above DON'T happen? Eh. I think that will take away from the ultimate goal here, role play that reflects Gor. 

However... There will, without question, be zero drama tolerated. Don't come here because you are looking to settle a beef with someone. Come into this to ply your trade (Penelope, great profit to be had here!), to get to know your fellow Goreans, and to do something a little bit different. The design in mind here is to actually bring us, this small community of mostly like-minded persons together and shake things up again, and to have FUN!

And now the most important part... Feedback during and after. If this is even remotely close to being a possible long=term solution to the staleness of role play these days, then constructive feedback is going to be GREATLY needed. Feedback can be sent to, and please, FLOOD my inbox with it! 

Last but not least, we need a venue... A larger city, possibly a port city, or a city near a port or on a large river would be ideal. I will post a separate blog for this, and the most voted on venue will be the name of this room, so get your maps out and start looking, place your desired location in the comments on the separate blog, and whatever venue gets the most "votes" will be "where" we are! For those that don't have a map handy, here is one:

Over the next couple days, anything that I may have left out will be added, via updates, so check here as we get closer for anything new. 

See you this weekend, in "Gor"!!!



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