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An explanation, a warning and a promise...

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 46 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-09-13 3:44:32 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 864 times Likes 4

I have been largely out of touch for the last couple of months, handling life "shit" so to speak, and since then, I have stayed in contact with a few of you, and for those that have hung with me, and will continue to until "shit" stabalizes, I appreciate you and value your friendships. 

For those of you that have made snide, sideways, rude and judgmental comments freely enough because you feel that I have hung it up for good, here is your warning: I am not gone. I am not leaving. I am returning and I will invite you to pay me a visit, or I will visit you myself, whether or not you want me to. Especially you, who decided to hide behind a non-Gorean name to put me on blast when you -obviously- have not the first clue what you are talking about. What, because you are a miserable piece of bosk shit, you want to burn everyone who you feel has wronged you or done something you don't like or let you play in the same sand box you have to hide, pretend that we don't already know who you are and think you will get away because there is no proof it was you? Yeah, I'll find you, too. 

And now the promise: I miss all of you, regardless of whether or not you're a dick, while we have our disagreements, we are all here for the same reason and most of us act like it. I will return when "shit" settles and things are stable again, and that will be very soon. I have a lot of friends here, and I want to see you again. To those who feel I have abandoned you, I am sorry, and if there is a way, it will be made right. My promise to you. 

All that being said, next week, I have a lot of free time during the day on my hands (when I am not at the beach or working on the new house) so I will be online and looking around to see what's what! 


2016-09-14 9:28:14 pm
I'll believe it when I see it. :P Glad your life is going so well and you've taken the time to enjoy it. Keep on keeping on, Bart! And house warming party is when????
2016-09-14 9:55:47 pm
I want chocolate! I'm not supposed ta have it because of the new nutrition program, but dang it! Missed You, Administrator, and I must be assuaged! :D Will keep a watch for Yer return. ~ Penelope
2019-10-22 9:17:01 am
Welcome back Bart... may you find that balance between Life on Gor and existence upon earth it is a journey that each of us must navigate