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Haigain v. Mortimas

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 46 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-10-02 10:00:15 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 446 times Likes 1

It's my understanding that this issue is not resolved. It's also my understanding that this melee, that was meant to be a Death Match, has not been properly judged and ruled as such. SO here's my 2 coppers worth... 



No Pre-Post

No weapons stated in profile- (For all I know, you could have been naked after a round in the furs with one of your slaves and the only thing you're holding is your dick) 

GREAT! You have rules in the room header- Not so great? I read the rules. Your rules state clearly that it is standard Gorean 1-2-1 combat system. But did you actually employ it? No. But just like the democraps claim there's a gun show loop hole, anyone reading this can see you clearly have a loophole that works in your favor.. "By OUR method"... Is it standard or is it TGF rules? 

I'll stop there, the rest was what it was. 


In my book, you are alive and well. As long as you have not publically accepted the death, which I am unsure of if this is the case. 


WARRIOR! When you are met with aggression, no matter by whom or where---- FUCKING SWING, WARRIOR! 

If the scoll I have is correct and has been released to the general public, then this needs to be looked at by someone other than myself. I would welcome EDUCATED, RESPECTFUL AND ON TOPIC dissection of this. (To make myself abundantly clear- if you are not a Warrior or otherwise educated and trained in Gorean combat, please refrain from comment. Thanks) 

If the scoll has not been released, I will post it forthwith. 



2019-10-04 8:35:50 am
Dam.. I am not the ruler of Gor ! I am Gutted. and Haigan no need to be nasty, someone will be offended and thats not nice in the new world..... I think I need a serapax to relax, after such rivoting posts..... Not a Ruler well bugger !
2019-10-04 8:44:43 am
Oh, and Bart, I've said it for years now and if you've been paying attention to the news and retailer policies "gun control will come in the form of ammunition control." Yes, we have a 2A right to bear arms, but nowhere does it mention a right to possess live ammunition. A rifle with no rounds is a pugil stick. Affix bayonets!.... Seriously though, ya need to invest in some quality reloading gear while you still can and stockpile ammo. Stockpile, stockpile, stockpile.
2019-10-04 8:52:22 am
Just look at the restrictions they weaseled through on .22LR rounds. Stop by Wal-Mart on your way home one day this week, look at the cost now compared to just five years ago then ask how many boxes you can buy. Bear in mind these are one-time use rimfire cartridges, plinking rounds. Next, look into some quality ammo, especially hollow points and fragmentary rounds like Glazers. The cost is ridiculous and the restrictions are tighter than a Kill Hat's rack sheets.

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