First thing's first...
This is an ADULT discussion and is limited to those that participate in combative maneuvers, actions and other activities as well as SENIOR home leadership, preferably Admin, Jarl, HOC and other "Above the Salt" titles. Physicians, Scribes, Herbalists, Merchants and other non-combat Castes, please respect this, with the promise that if this goes well enough, there will be another discussion that will involve ALL of us. Thanks.
That being said-
The recent "fight" between Haigan and Mortimas shed some light on a couple things for me and I believe it's worth brining up and discussing, and hopefully coming to a global consensus on the following:
1. Combat- We already have combat systems in place, 1-2-1 TB, Speed, Melee, Raid and others. What we don't have it seems is a "Global" standard of acceptance and judgement, like we had back in the day. Let's keep the current example.. .Haigain took an action against Mortimas in his own home. There were a lot of issues with the entire thing, but the glaring ones- No judge present or requested, and the demand for a 3rd party judge was answered with a melee attack. Now, I am not going to argue that it was within Haigan's right to do so, it's his home, his rules, his place to do as he pleases and not for me to have a say in. Until it comes to the effect OUTSIDE his home, in this example- Time away after a death.
To get to the point here- If (and Haigan, my apologies as you are the example here, but I wouldn't take this negatively) a home has the standard rules that have been adopted, recognized as agreed, however with modifications such as verbage that leaves room for interpretation (By OUR standard), is this set of rules still acceptable?
2. Judgement of combative actions- We have had this in the past and it works, now that Gor has gone to absolute shit in some areas, while actually getting better in others, this has falled completely off. Mostly I assume, due to lack of men fighting, capturing of slaves and Free Women and other combat actions over the years. It seems to be making a comeback, so once an action, such as Mortimas v. Haigan, is complete, what's the next step? The 2 parties agree and move on, that's one thing. But if there's a dispute by either party, do the rules of that home, regardless of modification from the set and accepted rules spell out the effect? Or does an independent and chosen, accepted 3rd party judge need to be called in for the rules to take effect outside that home?
I'll leave it at these 2 points for now as this has taken nearly 2 hours to write out during the work day and my brain is mush.
To answer the obvious-
This is meant to be productive.
This is meant to offer a better understanding of the rules of Combat
This is meant for combat billeted Castes such as Warriors, Slavers, Outlaws and such.
This is meant to be a civil conversation
Let's make Gor great again!
I am looking forward to responses.