[08:03a] › Bart changes topic to: Encampment along the Onli river, within eyesight of Port Olni
[08:03a] › Bart changes welcome message to: Currently, the camp is packed and has moved north west of it's previous location and on the north side of the river. Smaller in size than previous, only 40 men present.
[08:11a] Bart After travelling to our current location for the night, we set up a makeshift camp and rested. After a brief sleep, I sat up on the mat that I slept on and then stood, rolling the mat and placing it in my pack, then walked over to the river, splashing water on my face to wake up fully. I stood there for a moment, seeing the towers of the city I once called home, thinking about last night. While he's right to an extent, how he presented it was not how it was and for that, it was time to escalate.
[08:11a] › You are no longer marked as being away.
Bart After a brief moment, I turned back to the camp and called out "PREPARE TO MOVE!" And in an instant, those that were still half asleep snapped into action. 39 soldiers received the order to move out and they were ready in mere moments. I stepped back to the camp and over to Stupid, untying him from the tree and checking him over before mounting and settling into the saddle. I began to ride slowly around the camp as the men assembled as planned. 3 squads of 10 Warriors and 1 of 9 archers.
Bart Elsewhere, 2 more factions of the same size had moved to points on either side of the port of Olni, and mounted men had moved to the farm that supplies Port Olni with vegetables and fruits. Finally, 4 ships were en-route to a standby point, awaiting the signal to block access to the Port. I rode to Tiny and nodded to him "The plan is in motion. This will either be very quick or very long, it's up to them at this point" and then we rode on to the city, less than a couple miles from our current point.
Bart We rode ahead of the march on Olni, along with the 2 Captains that caught up once the men were in motion, discussing the plan and ensuring we had our bases covered. We rode first to the east, following a path that was less traveled toward the city and avoided the port entirely. We were absolutely not quiet about it and there was no real indication of what was ahead. Less than a few hundred yards from the staging point, the Herald catches up with us and announces that the farm has been blocked off.
Bart At the farm, all sides were sealed off without incident, he informed me. There was also minimal resistance as expected, only a few men guarded the outpost and they were outnumbered from the onset. Another squad of men were moving toward the farm and on one wagon, was a large barrel of thalarion oil, 2 sleen and medical supplies. As the wagon approached and unloaded the wagon on the farms southern edge, setting up a camp and securing the surrounding areas.
Bart By now, the word had travelled back to Port Olni and it was certain they were making ready for us. But we would not breach the borders. Not yet. As we reached the command post, I dismounted and walked over to where the final Captains were completing the setup, saluting them as I approached, I said "Let's make this quick, gents" I said with a heavy sigh.
Bart After being informed that all points of entry are covered, heavily enough at the moment, I nodded and then turned to the Archer Captain. "You know what to do" and he nodded, turning to make his way to his squad, he directed them where to go and what to wait for before letting a single arrow loose. I then turned to the Tarnsmen and gave them the go ahead to begin air patrols. "3 miles around, tightening to within half a mile and back out, don't attack unless provoked and unable to extract yourself".
Bart Then the wagon commander... "Place the barrels where we spoke about and wait for the signal" I say. Once again, he's off to make it happen. I then looked at the ground Captain. "You are the front line. If it tries to pass you from either side, capture it first, kill as a last result. Take 2 Archers with you" and once again, off he went as I made my way to my mount. I removed the helmet and placed it on my head, fitting perfectly, I adjust it and strap it up under the chin, then remove the shield.
Bart As I strapped the shield to my left arm, I looked at Stupid and gave him a pat as I mounted. "Let's do it old man" I said to him, taking off toward the first perimeter of Port Olni. I approached slowly, right hand raised in peace, one last time, and then I approached the guard. A man I knew well and once commanded, he greeted me accordingly, even though ready for action if it came to it. "My presence here, now, is significant. Inform the City of Port Olni that as of right now, it is under siege"
Bart The man tilted his head and then asked "Excuse me?" "Inform Bashir, the Administrator of Port Olni, that as of this moment, all trails, paths and roads leading in and out of the city are blocked off. Air, land and sea routes are patrolled by my men and will continue to do so until an escalation or resolution has occurred. Also inform him that my intention is to not damage the city or it's citizens, however if it comes to that, then I will" I said. The man took a moment to process my words.
Bart "I don't think that's wise, but I will pass the message immediately, Bart". I then reached in my pack and gave the man a scroll that simply read "No gate, wall, status or caste will stop me from collecting my debt. Turn over the slave girl known as aeternum forthwith, or face escalation" and then said "Make sure he gets it" before turning and riding back to the command post, where I would wait.
Your city is now encircled by a sufficent number of men to cause great damage to the City of Port Olni and other measures have been put in place. This is to serve as notice that if the above debt is not settled as per the missive received, further collection efforts will be employed. We have sufficient supplies for an extended incursion along with reinforcemnts available on land, sea and air.
I am further strongly requesting a peaceful, meaninful face to face meeting, leader to leader, in a neuteral venue.
This is not going away without proper resolution. I await your answer.