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Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 46 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-07-25 2:54:08 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 347 times Likes 2

Let me help you out, Wirick, 

It seems there is a misconception in your feeble mind that I have given you more than a second thought since you left your last post, then came back talking as if you wanted to challenge me for it. There's also a misconception that I bemoaned the status of you and your slave girl Gemma (Still wearing CPO tags last check). It also seems that you misconceive what happens when a character dies, retires or otherwise no longer exists in role play. So let me help you clear some of these misconceptions, since you like to talk to everyone in Gor about me, except for me. 

1. You are not the FS of Argentum, you're not even a Warrior (And if you are, you did it wrong) 

2. You are not a citizen of Argentum. 

3. Dahna will not follow you anywhere. Nowhere. Any time. 

4. sariah will not disobey her Owner and follow you anywhere. Nowhere. At no time. 

5. I do not need to be "kept in check". If you feel so, bring your pussy ass to me and do it yourself, Otherwise, keep your felattio hole all the way closed when it regards me. 

6. I don't give a flying fuck on a galloping tarn about your relationship with gemma, or anyone else for that matter. 

7. You are worthless as a man. Step up and prove otherwise with words or actions. (Pssst- you told a WOMAN and a SLAVE that you have a problem with me. Candy ass)

8. You are weak. But if you want to prove otherwise, work your character back up to a Warrior, then come challenge me (Pro-tip- If you send a champion or an Assassin, you're a bitch) 

9. I'm just trying to get to 10. 

10. Do better. Act like you got a couple raisins in those leathers and come to me if you have a problem with me, not my claimed companion, not her slave, not the rest of Gor. That applies to anyone. 

Long-short of it? If you had come to me thinking you had a problem with me, like many times before with many before you, I would have at least attemtped to clear it up and we could have had some sort of meaningful role play out of it, long term even. But now that you have decided to go behind my back and be a mouthy little slag, this is where we're at. I am open to hearing your side of it and why you seem to have an issue with someone you have barely interacted with, at least in the last 2 characters over the last couple years, but since you decided to ignore my private message and I just happen to dislike second hand bitching, here I am to put it out here for you to see and respond to. 



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2020-07-25 9:15:15 pm
I know this doesn’t concern me and I don’t get into the business of Men ,. But this Daddy Bart thing has me worried !.
2020-07-25 10:43:53 pm
Ok Ok I get it, y'all ain't ready for Daddy! On a more serious note, I was kinda being cheeky since that was my current mood. I have changed it to... untrigger some of ya's.
2020-07-26 5:27:04 pm
Man. Some shit never changes. Oh I remember why I'm reclusive...
2020-07-26 11:52:08 pm
For some people, it's all they have, and expecting them to act differently, or responsibly, is a waste of time. I don't even go into rooms now, with this in mind.
2020-07-27 1:45:25 pm
Dalamar: I don't go into rooms either - not because of this, but because there are really no rooms to go into when I'm online. Bart: The Daddy thing was a nice touch though...... Haigan: Reclusive is that what we're calling it now? I thought it was just crotchety. ..... Emerson: uhhh... I don't know ya but didn't wanna leave you out. So , feel included. ( I'm also glad there weren't 20 comments on this)
2020-07-27 1:53:23 pm
No worries Fury , when I said I was worried about the Daddy deal I had a visual of a child in trouble and their dad giving out punishment!
2020-07-27 3:04:23 pm
@Fury This is true, but i occasionally see one or two rooms, and while they're not the drama type, I usually start to feel awkward after 10-15 minutes and leave. It's just not the same. Nowadays if i want to talk to someone I just call them, or wonder if I'll get a call...I tend to not get, but that's fine, not that many people got me. Anyway, XBlive has been a good friend lately. Most people know how to contact me if there's an issue, so it's fine. Until it isn't.
2020-07-27 7:04:20 pm
I'll vouch, for whatever My word is worth to whomever, that Emerson is good people. A bit odd, a little strange, kinda weird, whatever, but ain't we all? Still, in the end, she's good people.
2020-07-27 7:37:55 pm
She may be kinda cute too. Idk
2020-07-27 8:24:41 pm
How is it that more or less everyone has seen this, and a few comments, but the topic of the post isn't anywhere to be found?
2020-07-27 8:47:14 pm
Older blogs scroll down as new ones are made. Previous blogs are not refreshed as responses are made.
2020-07-27 9:03:38 pm
I get it, but word has to have gotten around that I am trying to get some insight from him on the above matter, yet still nothing?
2020-07-27 10:51:07 pm
You want answers from...? You seriously tell some good jokes. There's some irony too. You're being ignored by someone that thinks it's okay to make/accept a death challenge then stand there and attempt to be a martyr over stoopidness. You're wasting your time. If you let that guy bother you, you're thin-skinned. Do what the rest of us do, and ignore the childishness. You ought to still have my number too. I still have the one you gave me.
2020-07-28 6:51:35 am
Hey Bart, remember when YOU and a bunch of other people bitched and harped about that sloppy, half-assed combat post I used to kill this guy the last time? Okay, now that the shoe is on other foot, ask yourself how much effort I really needed to put into dealing with that guy and tell Me again how wrong I was...You're pissing in the wind here Leatherneck.
2020-07-28 7:40:18 am
Fair point, Gents.
2020-07-28 11:48:46 am
“ Jumps up and down thinking, Yay I’m cute ,. “ and stops thinking again this might be where I could be considered strange . Thank you Gents for the sweet words !!!!
2020-07-28 2:53:08 pm
Still an old lady though.
2020-07-28 6:08:01 pm old lady who doesn't use soap... Cute? maybe if ya scrape off a layer of dirt, or three...ya know, like peeling an onion...
2020-07-29 12:55:28 am
Chisel and a wire scrubber.
2020-07-29 6:12:36 am
“ Just gives them both looks “
2020-07-29 3:52:14 pm
Lye soap and a cheese grater?
2020-07-29 6:49:30 pm
Hush , Outlaw