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Robert~FC~Anni's Profile

Current Mood: Blank
Robert~FC~Anni (Robert, Caine)
Male - 44 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2016-03-02 3:00:44 pm Viewed 81 times Likes 1

               Gorean Free Man. I am of the scarlet caste. One of the last students of the great Rowan of VLS. God rest his soul and may he always be remembered with a fondness and great admiration not as a man who appeared to be Gorean, but as one of the rare few who actually are Gorean. Anni is My Free Companion. Before it is asked yes Anni and I are real life. Currently looking around this place called Buzzen trying to see what it has to offer compared to the places that Anni and I are used to.