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Šašha's Blog

2024-11-15 10:13:38 pm by Šašha in category General
I guess you could call this blog a public service announcement...sort of.  I have been dealing with issues concerning my vision health.  I began having trouble with the vision in my right eye.  Not only was my vision blurry, but I was seeing a lot of floaters, greatly hindering my eye sight in that eye.  I went to my eye doctor and he referred me to a opthamolgist specializing...
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2024-07-31 1:33:15 am by Šašha in category General
After a lot of thought and a lot of support and encouragement from my husband Nick, I am returning to college for one final degree.  On September 10th, I will begin my doctoral journey at Capella University.  I am enrolled in their Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program.  I will graduate in March of 2026.  I am excited to begin this journey and graduate with my...
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2023-04-02 2:04:17 am by Šašha in category General
Those who are closest to me know I have PTSD.  I won't go into detail as to why I developed PTSD, it's very difficult and sensitive to talk about.  Therapy has helped me work through the trauma I experienced and medication has helped with my PTSD symptoms, but sometimes, these symptoms come roaring back.  I needed to take a break...from work, from chat, and from anything...
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2022-04-24 11:43:42 pm by Šašha in category General
R.I.P to my Grandma lived an extraordinary life and have left lasting impressions on us all.  I love you and I miss you Grandma!!!   Though we need to weep your loss, You dwell in that safe place in our hearts Where no storm on night or pain can reach you. Your love was like the dawn Brightening over our lives, Awakening beneath the dark A further adventure...
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2021-05-23 11:07:04 pm by Šašha in category General
I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone who has wished me a Happy Birthday.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.  And I wanted to give a special thanks to Mario (Sizzle Dj Mario) for making my birthday extra special by including it in his radio show.   Thank you Mario (L)      Sasha