I guess you could call this blog a public service announcement...sort of. I have been dealing with issues concerning my vision health. I began having trouble with the vision in my right eye. Not only was my vision blurry, but I was seeing a lot of floaters, greatly hindering my eye sight in that eye. I went to my eye doctor and he referred me to a opthamolgist specializing in eye disorders. I meet with the specialist and he diagnoses me with Optic Neuritis, which is an enlarged optic nerve in my right eye. Optic Neuritis typically will heal on it's own. The specialist is very thorough and he wanted me to have an MRI to ensure there was nothing medically that was contributing to the swelling of the optic nerve. After nearly two weeks, I finally had my MRI and my optic nerve was back to normal and another minor issue was detected in one of the muscles of my right eye. The MRI also showed nothing abnormal in my brain (told ya I had a normal brain, lol). The treatment I am undergoing is pretty simple, prednisone. I'm fortunate to not experiencing any side effects and my vision is slowly getting better in my righ eye. It will take approximately one and a half to two months to fully recover from this. Thankfully my vision in my right eye is getting better. Once I am fully recovered, I will need to have my vision checked and will most likely need glass, which I don't mind in the least.
So everyone, please take care of your eye health. If you notice something wrong, please get it checked out.