I thought since I was unable to sleep, I would come here and list 10 Random facts about me. I think maybe a few of these random facts just might surprise you. So here goes.
1. I hate, and I do mean, hate shopping. Yes I grocery shop (its a necessity) and when I need something, yes I will go and pick it up. Or if I need new clothes I will go get them. But I don't window shop, I don't bargain hunt, I don't go from store to store looking for the latest fashion. Sorry, but to me (and this is only MY opinion) but its a waste of my time.
2. I absolutely hate romantic comedies, I refuse to watch them. This is my opinion only, but they all seem the same. I'm serious...its boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy loses girl, boy becomes depressed, boy gets girl back, they live happily ever after. Not realistic at all. Now this is just MY opinion. If you don't like it, well too bad, lol.
3. I am obsessed with the t.v. show American Horror Story. I have loved it from Murder House all the way to the last installment Hotel. I thought Lady Gaga was absolutely brilliant in Hotel, she was phenomenal. I can't wait for the next installment of American Horror Story.
4. I have taken every type of self defense class possible. I have taken firearms, hand to hand, rape prevention, sport based self defense (kickboxing), and I even learned how to use a crossbow (great when camping and hiking). I think every woman should take self defense classes and not just one time, but often.
5. I am proficient with firearms.....yes I can shoot very well. I have a .38 and a 9MM and I learned how to shoot from a former marine who taught at the police academy. I have a conceal carry permit and yes I carry with me at all times.
6. When I am stresssed or full of tension, I take it out on a punching bag at the gym. This is a great way for me to beat the hell out of something and not get into trouble. Though sometimes I get TOO focused and I end up hurting myself, but oh well, goes with the territory.
7. I am an excruciatingly private person. My private life is just that, private. If I have told you about my life, then that means I have gotten to know you and trust you. Same goes for who I chat with in whispers in chat. That's MY business and none of yours. Don't assume anything, you will only end up looking like an ass
8. I like to stay in shape and that means I regularly workout. I will workout 4-5 days a week and I alternate between doing cardio, yoga and pilates. Though I've been doing more yoga and cardio and I've been thinking of doing a little weight conditioning to tone my arms and legs I feel better when I work out and it helps keep me feeling and yes even looking young. I don't workout on the weekends, I like to take weekends off and enjoy the weekend.
9. Though a lot already know this, but I am a chocolate fiend I love chocolate, but I don't eat it as often as I would like. I prefer dark chocolate, though any chocolate will do. My favorite chocolate is........Hershey
10. Now this just may shock a lot of people, and honestly, I'm not sure why I'm even putting this down, but oh well, here goes. My best friend Alexa and I once participated in amateur night at a ..............strip club
Yes we got on stage during amateur night and stripped. No not full nudity, just top and yes I was stone cold sober. But I have to admit, it was one of the best nights of my life and I do NOT regret it.
So here you have it, 10 random facts about me. Who knows, I may add more facts in another blog. But to those who may read it, enjoy