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16 Pet Peeves About People

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-04-10 5:30:47 pm Category General Viewed 154 times Likes 1

Its time for another  list and this one is 16 pet peeves about people.   This is for people off and online.....and I know we all know these type of people.   So enjoy...or not.


1.   People who make snarky (I love this word), snippy, bitchy or asinine comments about you, then say its just their sense of humor.  Sorry but no, its not your sense of humor, its just you being a total asshole.    ;)

2.   People who claim to be an expert in diet, nutrition and fitness.    Ok, how about this, mind your own damn business.   What works for you may not work for others.   So let others focus on what's best for them and you keep your so called expert opinion to yourself.

3.   People who bitch about other people who are bitching.   So if you are bitching about other people who are bitching does that mean you are also bitching about yourself?    Yeah sounds ridiculous, doesn't it.  So how about just stfu about it

4.   People who delight in the pain and suffering of others.   I truly detest people like this.    This just shows you lack compassion and I don't want to be around you.  We do not know what someone else is enduring, the pain they suffer, so remember that old adage....if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.  

5.   People who lack a sense of humor.   They take things way too damn seriously and can't seen the humor in anything.   Life is too damn short, quit bitching about silly things, learn to laugh at yourself, laugh at the silly things in life.     

6.   People who are judgemental assholes.  I know I have this in my profile, but I felt this warranted being here.    I do not judge others and I do not allow anyone to judge me.  Your opinion of me, my life, my friends matter NOTHING to me.   And to watch people judge others just shows me that people I need to stay the hell away from.   Remember, as you judge others, you are also being judge and being found guilty of being a first class asshole 

7.   People who slut shame, body shame, food shame, and all the other shame bullshit.   No one is perfect, especially you.   So how about you quit focusing on others and begin focusing on yourself and why you are such a douchbag.

8.   People who claim to hate drama but yet create the most of it.   Seriously people, you aren't fooling anyone.  While you call others Drama Queen Or King, you are the true Drama Queen/King.    Enough already, that shits getting really old.

9.   People who trash talk others behind their backs yet are nice to their face.   Again, seriouly people, what are you still in high school.  I didn't put up with this shit in high school and I refuse to put up with it now.   

10.  People who bully others online.  Ok all you keyboard warriors listen aren't being tough or cool, you are just being cowardly assholes hiding behind a computer screen.   So enough already, get some mental help and come back when you are a human again and not a colossal asshole.   Wait, nevermind, like that will happen

11.  People who tear other's down and this goes especially to women who tear other women down.   That shit has to stop and it has to stop now.  I am sick and tired of seeing a woman tear another woman down for no other reason than wanting to make themselves feel better.    I will defend anyone who is being tore down by someone and I will NEVER allow anyone to tear me down again, NEVER!!!

12.  This is a two for one.  People who say they don't let people get to them, then proceed to spend so much time trying to make that person's life miserable and people who just cannot figure out how to use the damn iggy button.   First of all, let it fucking go.  Quit wasting, yes WASTING precious time trying to make someone's life miserable because you detest them.  Time is too damn precious to waste it detesting someone.   Get the fuck over it, especially when it doesn't directly affect YOU.   Now second, about that iggy button.  If you do not like someone, stop making it a fucking issue in the room and stop feeding the DRAMA.   Yes I said DRAMA.   Use the iggy button as it was intended to IGGY someone.

13.  People who trash talk my friends.   Look, if you have a problem with a friend of mine, do not come to me trashing them, I will not put up with it.  Whatever problem you have with them, you deal with it.  Do not bring me into your stupid ass drama.   

14.  People who judge women on their looks and body.   Society's view of women and beauty is not just ridiculous, but its also fucked up.   I hate being judged on my looks or body and I detest seeing any other women being judged on theirs.  So here's a thought.........DON'T JUDGE OTHERS UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE JUDGED AN ASSHOLE!!!!!

15.  People who don't like the way I chat and goof around in the room.   I have my own sense of humor and I will alter it for no one.    Do not tell me how to play around in the room, do not tell me how to joke around, do not tell me to get a sense of humor.    If you don't like the way I chat and joke, its really simple, use the iggy button.    I think I have a pretty damn good sense of humor and if you don't like it, well kiss my sense of humor ;)

16.  People who get easily offended over stupid shit.    Seriously people, knock that shit off.    You get offended by what is said in a chat room.....maybe you need a chat vacation.   Put up your big girl panties (or big boy underwear) and suck it the hell up.   Chat is a place where we are supposed to have fun, not have to worry about what we say.    Geez people, lighten the hell up :P


So here it is, my 16 pet peeves about people.   I am NOT singling out anyone, I am NOT aiming this at anyone in particular.  But we all have known or seen people act like that.   So if you feel guilty or if you think you resemble any of the above pet peeves, don't blame me.  I'm not the one acting like an ass or douchbag or moron.    Oh and I may end up adding more to the list.  So check back, I'm already up to 15 :P

2016-05-15 11:22:15 pm
Thank you. I think I'm just going to keep going, see how many I can add :P
2016-05-16 7:09:56 pm
15!!! lol ... fyi I don't want to kiss your sense of humor, other stuff is another story :P
2016-05-16 10:29:33 pm
:P Vincent