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Someone Was Looking Out For Me

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-05-27 11:44:09 pm Category General Viewed 184 times Likes 1

Most of my friends already know I was in a bad car accident yesterday.   I was going through an intersection (I had the green) and I was hit by another car who's driver was not paying , attention.   I don't remember much of the crash, I didn't lose consciousness, but I did hit my head on something.  I don't have broken bones, thankfully.  But I do have cuts, bruises and abraisions, but I am very grateful and thankful that I was not more seriously hurt.    I was kept overnight in the hospital as a precaution, but thankfully I am on the mend.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their good thoughts, well wishes and their thoughts and prayers.  I truly appreciate them and I am so blessed to have such wonderfully thoughtful  my life.   Thank you so much!!!!!!



2016-05-30 1:57:42 am
Thank you Vincent (K)(L)
2016-06-01 4:32:06 pm
God Bless and God speed in healing
2016-06-01 11:02:40 pm
Thank you Sean