I just wanted to write a quick update on my health after my car accident. I had a follow up with my doctor today and he is concerned with the headaches I have been getting since the accident. He thinks they may ease in time, but he wants to make sure there isn't some underlying damage from hitting my head, so I am scheduled for a CT scan tomorrow, then I will follow up the CT scan with an appointment with a neurologist. And until then, no working. My doctor wants my stress level down until I get my head checked out. So, I am off work the remainder of this week.
As for my bruises, cuts and abraisons, they are healing thankfully. I am feeling better, still pretty sore, but I am getting better. My doctor did release me to resume yoga class, but he said to be careful. So I can at least begin to workout my tense muscles and regain some balance.
I just wanted to thank everyone again for their kinds words, thoughts and prayers. They really meant the world to me.