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Final Health Update

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-06-10 1:33:40 am Category General Viewed 250 times Likes 0

First I wanted to say thank you again to everyone for their well wishes, their thoughts and their prayers.   They touched me and I thn6-k you so much for your compassion.    I really wish more people were like you all.    

Second, I had a PET scan (Positron Emission Tomography) basically its a better look at my brain to see how its working.   Thankfully my PET scan showed everything was working well.    I did sustain a minor head injury in the accident when my head hit the driver side window.  Thank god it wasn't worse, though I still have headaches from hitting my head in the accident, I still have some memory issues and my temper and emotions are a little off, but the neurologist said that should end in 6-8 weeks.   So thankfully I am healing and following doctors order.    The neurologist did say I can return to work full time on Monday, I can also return to work full time on Monday as well, BUT no sparring for at least 6 week, at which I will have another follow up and another CT or PET scan to make sure my brain has healed fully.    The neurologist doesn't want me to sustain any hits to the head, which could happen if I were to spar, even though I do wear head gear. So better to be safe.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone.   Everyone who reached out to me with their well wishes, thoughts and prayers are the reasons why I am glad I came back to chat.   


2016-06-17 3:11:56 pm
Thank you Robak, I am taking it day by day and following doctors orders.
2016-07-06 8:19:40 pm
So glad you're doing better!! May God be with you. (K)
2016-08-30 11:01:54 pm
wow, hard hit on the noggin creates quite a list of problems, glad to hear yours are doing better, and that you can return to work and doing normal things, Gods angels were on duty that day, take care, and hopefully all will end up well