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Funny Story From Work

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2017-10-24 12:42:19 am Category General Viewed 234 times Likes 0

I thought I would share this story about a funny (well to us perhaps, lol) story from work.    For those who do not know, I am a Radiology Tech/IV Tech/Day Shift Supervisor Radiology.     I cannot interpret any of the exams/scans we perform, but let me tell you this, some of the things I have seen, I will never forget.     This happened several months ago.    A male patient comes into the ER in extreme pain and he would not allow the doctor's to exam him.   He kept yelling for the nurses to just give him something for the pain and he would leave.    The ER doctor wanted to examine him, but since he wasn't being cooperative, sedating him was a possibility.    The ER doctor didn't want to sedate him unless absolutely necessary, so he convinced the patient to at least undergo an X-ray.    So this is where I come in.   He is wheeled down to the ER and I perform the X-ray.    I get the film and what I see is something I will NEVER forget.    What was causing this patient so much pain was that he had a dildo inserted way too deep into his, well ass.      The ER doctor was hard pressed not to laugh, but he kept his composure and convinced the patient to allow him to sedate him to calm him and to administer a muscle relaxant so they can remove the dildo safely.    The patient agreed, after turning several shades of red.     He told the ER doctor he was so embarrassed that he almost didn't come in.

I swear, some of the things I have seen in the hospital are just like WTF.     I know I shouldn't giggle at this, but you have to admit, you giggled as you read this.   And yes this is a true story of the happenings in my hospital.

2017-10-25 12:20:46 pm
Oh god thanks for the laugh I will be rolling over that
2017-10-26 12:28:16 am
I thought you would like that story Vincent :P
2017-10-26 12:28:24 am
Yw SB :P