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Opportunity Knocked and I Answered!!!

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2017-11-07 10:46:13 pm Category General Viewed 355 times Likes 2

I have been offered an amazing opportunity at work.    My boss offered to send me back to college to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Health Care Administration.   He told me that the bigwigs at the hospital were very happy with how I am running my Department and brought up the possibility of me returning to school.   Once I earn my degree, I will be able to move up the ladder at the hospital.     This is an absolutely amazing opportunity and one I am blessed to have been offered.   I did think about it a lot, I talked with my family and friends, everyone has been so encouraging.    I could not turn down this amazing opportunity, so January of 2018, I will once again be a college student.    I am so excited to begin this new chapter in my life.    

Opportunities like this don't come around often and I would be foolish to pass it up.    So when opportunity knocked........I answered!!!!!

2017-11-14 9:51:14 pm
Thank you so much Marie(F)
2017-11-14 9:51:53 pm
Thank you Scootah(F) And Fook, all I can say is, only you Fook, only you
2017-11-14 11:23:06 pm
Sasha I can say this, still lub ya anyway ;)