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So Thankful

Current Mood: Loved
MŗşŠašhaĈŀauŝ (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2017-11-23 11:45:48 pm Category General Viewed 454 times Likes 3

I have so much to be thankful for.    I am so thankful for my two wonderful adult kids, Michael and Elizabeth.    I am so proud of the adults they have become.    They have and will always be my reason for being.  I am so thankful for my family.    Through the good times and especially through the bad times, they never wavered in their unconditional love and support of me.    I could not have made it through all those dark times without them.     To my friends.......the ones I have known for what seems a lifetime and the ones I have know for the past few years, you all have brought nothing but joy into my life.     Your love and support means everything to me.     I am so thanksful that my family and I are able to give back, not just during the holidays, but throughout the year.    We don't do this because we have to, we do this because we want too.    Giving back is a tradition in my family, one that goes back for generations.    This is one tradition I am proud to have been able to pass on to my own kids.    I am also thankful to have a job that I not only like, but I actually enjoy.    I have been fortunate enough to have been given an amazing opportunity that I am beyond excited to take on.     

I have so much to be thankful for.    I am thankful for my life, for the people in my life, for just  being alive.  



Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!

2017-11-26 10:07:26 pm
Ya I saw that lol
2017-11-26 10:17:47 pm
Shush it Fook ya gigantic ass :P And Vincent, ty(K)(L)
2017-11-26 11:44:22 pm
The return love is palpable Sasha!